You know, its funny how sometimes certain memories will fire in your brain and make you remember how wonderful it was. She was soooooo beautiful. How can something so beautiful be so ugly? I remember when we went bowling on our second date, right after the picture with Santa...it was so hot in that alley. She tied her shirt up exposing her belly button....oh how...
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Angry much? It's cool, vent all that needs to be done as such...break that shit, break it good!!!
Yeah, it could mean that it's been too damn cold, or there's something wrong, maybe you could ask a doctor? I like the buttons, I'm gonna go do it right now!
I hate my job, it sucks. That place puts me in a bad mood, it seriously makes me angry. IF you think im joking i assure you im not, that place has bad karma and a wicked vibe of tension and bitterness. I hate anywhere that requires that you weear a name tag. Fuckers.

Can you get fired for having tourette Syndrome? If not then...
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So i saw the movie House of 1000 Corpses tonight for the first time.... That is a fucked up movie, seriously.
So lemme bitch for a minute...bare with me.

I was the only one out of my close group of friends to finish college. Yet, i am doing the worst. My friend who did not go to college worked his way up from bank teller...
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Cool, thanks for the tip, I'll have to check them out, when I get the money that is. smile
College is a good way to put off living in the world that we cannot escape after we graduate. I wanna stay in school for as long as possible because I'll have the rest of my life to work... i totally understand how you feel. It's all bullshit.
Hello to all...its been a week, and by that i mean last week. Ive been really busy, lots of ups and downs...i think i am slowly becoming bi-polar. Is that possible? You know what else is weird...i am getting cold really easily...which sucks because this is my favorite time of year. That figures, Thanks God for taking away my favorite thing....as if what you've done...
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" On and on, reckless abandon, somethings wrong, this is gonna stop them, nothing to hold on to..."

Sorry for the bad week and all, I'm still poor, how bout you? Take it easy and enjoy the waffles!!!

[Edited on Oct 06, 2004 1:06AM]
Give me peanut butter or give me death! A day without peanut butter is a day wasted!
I am so poor.
Poor sucks balls, but I WISH I could have $42.62 in the bank, I'm negative like a hundred and thirty bucks. I'm losing money everyday for not having any money. That especially, blows.
Dude, your name "craptastic" rocks....wish I had it
wanna know what sucks? Life. i wish i were dead. If the world was a girl i'd stick my dick in the ground, fuck the world!
God I hope thats like a song that you're quoting cuz if it's not that really sucks. How can beautiful people wanna die? You're too hot to go so soon. Think of the children! Do it for the children!!!!!! Live DAMMIT...LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!

But seriously, I feel ya...Fuck the world.
Fuck the world, fuck it up it's stupid ass. But don't be dead, then you'll have to contend with worms and those little bastards suck more than life, fuckers. Besides, fucking the world is one thing, but to be entomed in it, separated only by a wooden box, for all of eternity? Now that sucks.
You know what doesn't suck, tattoos, didn't you just get one not too long ago?
You know what else doesn't suck?
The Ramones, creten hop, beat on the brat, blitzkrieg bop, I sugest you listen to these post haste!

And remember, if I say it, it's the truth, everything will get better, I promise.
Ever not talked toan ex for a somewhat long period of time, then talk to them and remember why you were so great together....yea, isn't that a major kick in the balls? WTF?
I dont want to remember that. BAd things will happen, then bad things occur as a result...hey there's two negatives not making a positive.
Fuck it, im a natural born pessimist. Half...
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haha all i see is a bunch of fuck yous haha

You ever talk to the girl you're with and not know how in the hell it works between you? I do that all the time, how I lasted three years with my girl is mind boggling to me. So I can kinda relate.

All in all though, I agree, talking to exs blows bull testicles.

Take it easy and try a little sugar in your tea to stop being so bitter.

PS Pessimists rule!!!
Shit piss fuck cunt, cock sucker, mother and all that jazz. Working 10pm-6am blows hardcore. Blah blah blah, im hungry.
Wanna know a kick ass chick? Ask me and i'll show you the way. Peace out...bitches.
Yay, I'm so excited to go up!! I'm glad people are lookin forward to it hhaa

I am anyways

And I've been good, been really bussssyyy

Aw, Im glad you liked my set. thanks kiss
i swear tonight was a great night. I find one of the most beautiful experiences on can have driving fast and letting the cold air smack you in the face . It makes me so happry, its weird. I love cold breezes, the kind that almost make you shiver, the kind that makes me feel alive.
Im lovin life right now guys....well this is certainly...
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I almost never have the windows up in my car if I can help it...the highest I've ever felt in my life was when i was racing this kid on the highway and we both had friends in the car and we were tryin to get downtown before the other one... you become like hyper aware and the faster you go the more things seem in slow motion...oh it's good stuff, yes it is...I hope you're doing well smile