...so I'm standing outside right. And its 50 degrees for some odd reason (december in Chicago is not 50 degrees, hello?) and its also foggy. but not normal fog, patchy fog, very errie fog. So im having a cigarette and all of a sudden i hear this noise. I think its a wind chime but it sounds rusty. Almost like breaking glass, it freaked me out cause then i thought it sounded like scissors. Which made me think of Edward Scissorhands and then i thought i saw him and i got scared and ran inside....
Seriously, it happened.
Seriously, it happened.
Edward Scissorhands has been playin all week on tv...mabye you saw it and it was in the back of your head....or maybe, just maybe....it was him.....or you could be battier than my great aunt Lucial who thought everything green was smokable....including the table cloth.
I bet it was him. It's not like he's working or anything...