well, its been a while since i updated this....not that anyone really reads it.
So now i have to work on saturdays again until this holiday thing is over. Mandatory overtime???? Is there such a thing, fuck work on saturdays, who wants to do that?
I think its against IL state law to make overtime a mandatory thing. I do need the money though....damn beaing a retail whore, it totally ruins the holiday. Nothing says Merry Christmas like hearing a customer bitch about why the shirt she has rings up at $19.99 instead of $18.99, or like seeing the disgust in the peoples faces as they return unwanted gifts. Sometimes i want to smack them in their face and say, "Appreciate the fact that for some odd reason there is someone out there who appreciates you enough to waste their money on a gift for your snobby ungrateful ass.
Fuck people, am i the only one left who sees the beauty in just giving?
New pics coming soon...
So now i have to work on saturdays again until this holiday thing is over. Mandatory overtime???? Is there such a thing, fuck work on saturdays, who wants to do that?
I think its against IL state law to make overtime a mandatory thing. I do need the money though....damn beaing a retail whore, it totally ruins the holiday. Nothing says Merry Christmas like hearing a customer bitch about why the shirt she has rings up at $19.99 instead of $18.99, or like seeing the disgust in the peoples faces as they return unwanted gifts. Sometimes i want to smack them in their face and say, "Appreciate the fact that for some odd reason there is someone out there who appreciates you enough to waste their money on a gift for your snobby ungrateful ass.
Fuck people, am i the only one left who sees the beauty in just giving?
New pics coming soon...
I always read your journal.
You're so.....like.....something.....good.
and yes, sambas are the way to go. a lot of my friends have been all about the converse. i refuse to buy a pair. i have gone therw 3 pairs of sambas instead