is funny you know. Sometimes the change you are fearing the most is actually what you relly needed all along. A tribute to the late great Kelli, a friend i never thought i could live without, yeet seem to be doing just fine all alone. I know someday our paths will cross again, its destined to be. Maybe then you'll be a tad more mature and generous with yourself...because now you are a selfish bitch, there...i said it.
I am going to go see Napoleon Dynamite again. Its the funniest movie i've seen in a while...i'd be proud to attach my name to it, if only
If anyone's seen it, tell me your favorite part.....if not then go see it.
My Mac is fucked....i am so screwed. F'ing computers. Off to bed.
Does anyone ever read this thing?
Sometimes i feel like a
I am going to go see Napoleon Dynamite again. Its the funniest movie i've seen in a while...i'd be proud to attach my name to it, if only

If anyone's seen it, tell me your favorite part.....if not then go see it.
My Mac is fucked....i am so screwed. F'ing computers. Off to bed.
Does anyone ever read this thing?
Sometimes i feel like a

Now that that's outta the way...... I'm all about the reluctant change for he better...I like when the worst case senario turns out to be the best possible outcome. It's like life sarcasm. And she likes the sarcasm.
You should tell me lotsa stuff about you. Like LOTSA stuff.
Are you needy, clingy, and or co-dependant? Details allow for me to evaluate how I can take care of you all proper like. :o)
Who'd ya like better on Cheers- Coach or Woody?
Have you ever been like sitting in a car or like layin in bed and then just started laughin cuz you remember something funny? That totally just happened to me...cept I'm in a chair, not a car or a bed. But a bed sounds nice. It's rainy you know...I think I'll go back to bed and have a snooze.
Did I mention you should throw lotsa useless details about your life my way? I must mean it if I'm askin twice....
wait more......
why do you like being sad? why didn't you get married to that girl? why would you wanna get married so young? do you like being a scorpio? are you super serious? what's a video editor do? Where's cary IL? 27 is SO gonna be your year...I have a feeling. You'll se when your birthday hits...Yup. 27 is SO your year. okay I'll leave you alone now. Oh by the by, lovey, I do hope you don't mind terribly all the questions I've imposed. Hollah.
[Edited on Jul 30, 2004 9:58AM]
[Edited on Jul 31, 2004 5:45PM]