black dahlia murder, himsa, 3 inches of blood show was a success, there about 75 people in this little bitty ass club that couldnt hold more than 125. it was indeed fun....

3 inches of blood - with a name like that youd think death metal right? wrong....80s metal band

himsa - claims to not be a hardcore band but all the hardcore kids knew...
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black dahlia murder, himsa, 3 inches of blood show was a success, there about 75 people in this little bitty ass club that couldnt hold more than 125. it was indeed fun....

3 inches of blood - with a name like that youd think death metal right? wrong....80s metal band

himsa - claims to not be a hardcore band but all the hardcore kids knew...
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i hate ebay....the black dahlia murder, himsa, and 3 inchs of blood....tomorrow night...should be a fun night of head banging and mosh pittin' (though not on my part) assuming more than 10 people show up....hope the world isnt dead...

some comments would be nice...to let me know im not the only one in internet world thats alive....bi bi

Kevosdiofhwerfodvboin skull
Thanks alot for the comment you left my
journal. I am feeling way better about the
whole thing now. Though I can't say..
I wasn't a little bummed when I first got
the news..

and grr.. I hate ebay too.
But. I'm sure for different reasons.

Take care, love.

Kevo skull
well, went to the show tuesday, missed as i lay dying mad
cannae didnt play mad

the rest of the show was great, my neck hurt for 2 days after chimaira, thats always a sign of a good show, and almost got to see a few fights between the hardcore kids and the metalheads, would've been funny. personally i cant understand why the cant just have fucking...
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i saw the keyboardist for tub ring do crazy stuff back when i saw them in feb. but this time i didn't see too much...ofcourse me being short may of had something to do with it...i like watching fights at shows...it always makes me laugh.
im not sick anymore, i can walk, i can breathe, i can even go to sleep, im a half-way normal person again, yay for me, but this also means life goes back to sucking cuz i have to go back to work, but...theres always a but, i get to see Chimiara, as i lay dying, soilwork, cannae, and bleeding through on tuesday in atlanta. hopefully...
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holy shit, i dont think ive been this miserable in...ever, i can barely even walk its fucking horrible. anyway, i think im going to go die now

bi bi
Kevin puke
ahhh, im fucking sick...i think, head ache, sinus shit, soreness. the next few days/week are going to suck.

bi bi
Kevo skull
work sucked again tonight, just being fucking bored for 5 hours and being payed for it...maybe ill get promoted to shift leader soon so they can pay me more to sit around and be bored and do more work than everyone else still.....

me skull

p.s. - everyone should love journey, quite possibly the best 80's rock band
Multiple managers totally do suck. And you seemed to totally be feeling the vibe of how much they suck so I got curious and came to your journal and as you used the term "Shift Leader" and other things I think we may very well work for the same company. I don't like to say the name because I just feel if anyone higher up finds out I'm an SG I don't want them to feel like I'm jepordizing the companys family values or anything by mentioning it on here. I'm paranoid and I also like to be respectful blah blah blah.
Yes you also had a 5 hour shift tonight. So did I from 7-close!
All I do is work, eat sleep, and Watch Movies. (did you forget that part or what)?
I occasionally have time for a video game.
Oh and are you pretty new here? If so welcome!
But yeah I entirely miss my old life where all my enery didn't get sucked into this job when I'm not even getting enough hours.
Anyway I could talk about this forever.
If we do indeed work for for the same place we should have bitching fests about it. If not thats okay and we can bitch about something else.
i went to see between the buried and me tonight, ahh, it was fucking beautiful. most fun ive had at a show in awhile, hopefully itll be just as good when i see them in december.

Kevo skull
awwww....I am so jealous they need to play here soon
at some point in time i would like to obtain a life that consist of something more than work, sleep, and eat.

good night
Kevin skull
thank you, thank you...i know what you mean about work...it sucks.