It has definitely been an extremely long and exhausting year. I'm just packing my room up now.. Taking down my suicide girls calender and some posters and putting them in a box to have sent home.. Rooms almost empty and it's finally feeling like it's coming to an end...Great feeling.
23 more days and the guy who will be replacing me will be picking up...
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23 more days and the guy who will be replacing me will be picking up...
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Glad to hear you'll be on your way home soon. I love that pin up pic, I think it'd make awesome ink
Hey everyone
I haven't had much time to myself lately. They've been making us work 80% night missions for some ungodly reason.. messing up my damn sleep schedule!!!
I've only got three more months in this god forsaken place and I can't wait to leave. I've made a few good friends here, but for the most part I work with a pretty low quality group...
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I haven't had much time to myself lately. They've been making us work 80% night missions for some ungodly reason.. messing up my damn sleep schedule!!!
I've only got three more months in this god forsaken place and I can't wait to leave. I've made a few good friends here, but for the most part I work with a pretty low quality group...
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I hope the next three months passes fior you really quickly hun!
Hello my still short list of friends.
I just got back to Iraq on return from R&R and I'm just not too excited about it! The first half of the deployment was the colder half, the highest hitting around 70 degrees, now I get to sit here and boil as the heat gets turned up to up to 140
my R&R went... terrible. The day...
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I just got back to Iraq on return from R&R and I'm just not too excited about it! The first half of the deployment was the colder half, the highest hitting around 70 degrees, now I get to sit here and boil as the heat gets turned up to up to 140
my R&R went... terrible. The day...
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I'm so sorry about your grandmother! Stay safe over there xxx
Oh but I am so!!
Sup my like.. 3 friends.. I was bored so I tried the goofy blogging thing again. Not really a story to tell or anything but here goes.
I got the day off
amazing I know.. but any way, I was bored as hell and realized I need something to do to kill time on my days off. So I thought fuck it, I'm a graphics...
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I got the day off
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Blogging is good bro. It got my boy thru his first deployment in the suck.
Hey there
I've never really "blogged" before. Blog is kind of a silly word though, so I thought I'd give it a try.
My life isn't too interesting now that I think about it, I'm in Iraq, nothing but work to do here, and LOTS of it.
My life isn't too interesting now that I think about it, I'm in Iraq, nothing but work to do here, and LOTS of it.
Welcome to the IVAW group
Thank you so much hun, I'm glad you liked my set. As for the new Dexter...I don't know but I really hope so! ha ha. Sounds like you might be pretty qualified for the job!