just chilling today.listening to some Pietasters-Biblical Sence
good having days off......
Sick day, exploring profiles.
cany wait until next tuseday
got all my financial aid worked out, that shits been a bitch.
but anyways ..................................................................................................................
got all my financial aid worked out, that shits been a bitch.
but anyways ..................................................................................................................
actually my ferrets are both descented so they don't really smell at all.
it may be a bitch but at least it's your bitch
it may be a bitch but at least it's your bitch

whats next tuesday?

dude i know he does. blake's weird. i kinda wanna kick his ass but really all i wanna do is forget i even know him... i don't know why it bothers me so much though. it really shouldn't. oh well. i'll talk to you later, take care!

JUST finished up with wood splitting,turned into a 6 hour job. I mostly just operated the splitter.
Whats te deal with me never gettin more than 2 comments
can always count on mkcompu
maybe i just need to leave more comments than i do.
anyways im pretty burned out. just goin to chill and listen to some Youth Brigade.
Whats te deal with me never gettin more than 2 comments
can always count on mkcompu
maybe i just need to leave more comments than i do.
anyways im pretty burned out. just goin to chill and listen to some Youth Brigade.

leaving comments helps to get you more of them, but a few people on this site are friends and never comment. so is the way it is, i guess.
there's always the no friends group. i tend to "bookmark as interesting" some people who post there so they show up on my bookmarks list like a friend, and that's gotten me a bunch more commenters as well.
i tend to get the most comments during the week. this place is like college - during the weekend the place seems to die down.
there's always the no friends group. i tend to "bookmark as interesting" some people who post there so they show up on my bookmarks list like a friend, and that's gotten me a bunch more commenters as well.
i tend to get the most comments during the week. this place is like college - during the weekend the place seems to die down.
off to go help split a giant pile of wood.
don't forget to bring a towl
don't forget to bring a towl
a what now? towl?
there's a nice pile of wood outside here, but its all going to be burnt by probabl;y march or feb 2005.
gotta love wood burning stoves.....they save you a pretty penny on natural gas bills!
gotta love wood burning stoves.....they save you a pretty penny on natural gas bills!
to work i go,what a cold ass day to work.totally burned out. i know my ass is taking a nap when i get home today.
cold indeed. a bit of snow here

just got home from work,get paid tomorrow.
not much to say,got a headache from breathing a bunch of concrete dust while cleaning up at work. work went by pretty quick,but still hate that place, im going to start looking for somthing that requires some sort of knowledgble(cant spell tonight) skill
but any ways get my hoodie i ordered from NEIGHBORHOODIES finally ,it should be pretty...
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not much to say,got a headache from breathing a bunch of concrete dust while cleaning up at work. work went by pretty quick,but still hate that place, im going to start looking for somthing that requires some sort of knowledgble(cant spell tonight) skill
but any ways get my hoodie i ordered from NEIGHBORHOODIES finally ,it should be pretty...
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hi res sg images for your viewing pleasure...
i got a bunch of these printed at my local walgreens - they're the 4x6 photos on my locker door, those are actual pics like if i had snapped em with a disposable camera.
i got a bunch of these printed at my local walgreens - they're the 4x6 photos on my locker door, those are actual pics like if i had snapped em with a disposable camera.
and good luck on finding other work.
retail is so mindless at times.....
retail is so mindless at times.....
Had a practice writing exam a week ago,got it back,i did almost perfect on it. pretty happy about it. im guessing the real exam should be pretty easy.
Downloaded the sims 2 shit,games sucks,but addictive.think god for piracy.
Downloaded the sims 2 shit,games sucks,but addictive.think god for piracy.
piracy - saves time, saves money.
i love pirates!
not so crazy about the sims!

not so crazy about the sims!
i registerd to take
Web Design 1
Unix 1
Prep Coll writing II
Algebra II
im going for a degree in social science,,conputer classes are for my knowledge,rest of the other classes i need i'll finish them up fall 2005 semester and 06 spring. after that i'll be heading off to James Madison University,they have one of the best history programs,could of went there strait...
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Web Design 1
Unix 1
Prep Coll writing II
Algebra II
im going for a degree in social science,,conputer classes are for my knowledge,rest of the other classes i need i'll finish them up fall 2005 semester and 06 spring. after that i'll be heading off to James Madison University,they have one of the best history programs,could of went there strait...
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DUDE!! LoC updated their shows
December 10. 2004
screamers, orlando, florida, U.S.
December 11. 2004
rays downtown, west palm beach, FL, U.S.
December 12. 2004
state theatre, st. petersburg, FL, U.S.
December 13. 2004
the imperial, jacksonville, FL, U.S.
December 14. 2004
hell @ the masquerade, atlanta, GA, U.S.
December 15. 2004
blank generation, little rock, AK, U.S.
December 16. 2004
red blood club, dallas, TX, U.S.
December 17. 2004
sin 13, san antonio, TX, U.S.
December 18. 2004
the meridian, houston, TX, U.S.
December 19. 2004
the dark room, baton rouge, LA, U.S.
they are finally hitting up the south!! my life is complete
December 10. 2004
screamers, orlando, florida, U.S.
December 11. 2004
rays downtown, west palm beach, FL, U.S.
December 12. 2004
state theatre, st. petersburg, FL, U.S.
December 13. 2004
the imperial, jacksonville, FL, U.S.
December 14. 2004
hell @ the masquerade, atlanta, GA, U.S.
December 15. 2004
blank generation, little rock, AK, U.S.
December 16. 2004
red blood club, dallas, TX, U.S.
December 17. 2004
sin 13, san antonio, TX, U.S.
December 18. 2004
the meridian, houston, TX, U.S.
December 19. 2004
the dark room, baton rouge, LA, U.S.
they are finally hitting up the south!! my life is complete

But no Virginia or DC, they need to get closer