so with the home situation and wverything going crazy, i cant get on here but every few days and its not for very long. but everytime i do there is some new feature. dating now. i always had a feeling they would get around to trying this. i wonder how this is going to pan out. so i think im going to go to the bowling thing on sat. it sucks because i have to work on sunday but i guess no pain, no gain. im gonna go if i can get someone to drive down there with me.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 14, 2004
so this is what it looked like when i got up the other day. and… -
Tuesday Jul 13, 2004
so i dont update too much because i rarely have anything exciting goi… -
Thursday Jul 08, 2004
finally up and running with a real connection. i have a lot of catchi… -
Tuesday Jun 29, 2004
damn it this really sucks. a new set from nixon and im really fightin… -
Sunday Jun 27, 2004
i never realized how much id miss this site since im not very active.… -
Tuesday Jun 08, 2004
well ive actually got something to say today. i got tired of ticketma… -
Tuesday Jun 08, 2004
Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can cha… -
Tuesday Jun 01, 2004
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the tim… -
Wednesday May 26, 2004
Envy is the ulcer of the soul. Socrates todays quote is of envy,… -
Tuesday May 25, 2004
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to …