i wonder why it is that i have such a destructive personality. there isnt much to my life, i think about leaving alot lately. i spend alot of time just driving around imagining i dont have to come back to this place. new jersey is just full of soo many things i wish i can forget. there isnt anything keeping me here, i should just pack up and go. but what would i really be doing? am i running from the past or am i really doing it to better my future? i dont know if it even matters why im doing it as long as i something good does come out of it. i dont have anything keeping me here, i dont have anybody other than a few friends that would actually miss me here. i have basically no family,nothing stable, or anything that i probably should have by now. my life is a trainwreck anymore. then it comes down to where would i go? i need to find a common ground of peace and quiet. and chaos and craziness. ive always been drawn to the city. but i dont know if i could take the overpopulated,everyone in a rush and on edge aspect of it all the time. the city always has the best places to go and there is always something to do. that might add to my lonliness. why go to the most exciting place if i have noone to share it with. whatever im rambling about it now. im done whining for the night. i just had too much time to think today and i wanted to vent a little....
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 14, 2004
so this is what it looked like when i got up the other day. and… -
Tuesday Jul 13, 2004
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Thursday Jul 08, 2004
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Tuesday Jun 29, 2004
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Sunday Jun 27, 2004
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Tuesday Jun 08, 2004
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Tuesday Jun 08, 2004
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Tuesday Jun 01, 2004
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the tim… -
Wednesday May 26, 2004
Envy is the ulcer of the soul. Socrates todays quote is of envy,… -
Tuesday May 25, 2004
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to …