wow you go away for a little while and all hell breaks loose. but i saw the changing off the guard coming for a while now. i truthfully havent felt much love for the site lately. ive been on here for years and its just not the same. youll always hear the selling out, its not the same routine from people whove been here so...
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I wanna be your friend
wow i cant believe its been this long since ive been on. i got so fed up with how slow that dial up was i hadn't even logged on in soo long. but alas i got the cable back. i got so wasted at whiskey dix last night. whoever decided that beer pong tables in the bar is a good idea needs a medal. brilliant......
I somehow missed out on the joys of youthful inebriation.....can you explain the beer pong concept? Thanks

so the move went well. but now i have to wait for the high speed internet. this dial up sucks
nothing to update. i live a boring life....
i think i need a good stalking. im attracted to half psycho women. there is something about being pursued so harshly that makes you feel good about yourself i guess. sounds strange. so any decent psychotic women that want to take up out front in my bushes. let me know ill give you the address and act like i dont see you

I'm the best stalker I know! Give me the address and the stake out shall ensue.....

so two days into vacation and i need to find something to do so i dont waste it. the thought was to rent a car and take a road trip but i dont have a credit card now. suks but i guess anything is better than working for a few days anyway. any ideas?
yada yada. lazy day today.
6:16 and I'm awake...well, never slept. I think I see snow on the ground! Gotta love being near the lake. Where exactly do you live. (Well, not your adress, but area-wise)?

ok so this is day 5 of non smoking life and it sucks. i can get through the whole day wothout smoking but when im trying to go to bed i cant stop thinking about it long enough to go to sleep. well actually i waws doing great today, the urge was pretty much all gone. i even went to the bar today and no...
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Perhaps imagine tons of hot girls dying to make out with you...until one of them tastes the cigg taste and decides against it, taking all the other girls back home with her and leaving you and your ciggs all alone.

Seriously, im not sure if they are trying to keep us out or their kids in!
so operation stop smoking is on its fourth day. i slipped and had two today though. i just hope i dont have to start feeling like i did the first day again. i was almost home free
vixenreincarnate: here I am again and it's 3:47am and I am officially awake for yet another night. With me, there is nothing to be "wussy" about. I'm low key for the most part and rarely get to "subject" anyone else to my last night-post medication rantings. Well, except my cats, but we still have some obstacles to overcome in the communication area.
Have you seen that public service commercial where they are scraping bettery-looking junk out of the body part of a smoker - that would have been enough to put a scare into me. Then again....I only stopped smoking the pot on April 1st. Which wasn't a big deal seeing as I was far from consistent in my indulging. I'm glad you're trying to stop. And, you still have my # if you want to harass me anytime. I'm here alone everynight.
Have you seen that public service commercial where they are scraping bettery-looking junk out of the body part of a smoker - that would have been enough to put a scare into me. Then again....I only stopped smoking the pot on April 1st. Which wasn't a big deal seeing as I was far from consistent in my indulging. I'm glad you're trying to stop. And, you still have my # if you want to harass me anytime. I'm here alone everynight.

I'm all souped up on my sleepy time meds, so I think I might be kinda entertaining and seeing as I don't want to publicly post my can call me (if you so desire). And, uh....I don't have the long distance.