Woo an update. I am finally on my own again. I have a roommate hes pretty cool. We live downtown Omaha so thats pretty schweet. That's about it for now.

I just bought GH2 and I fucking love it.
Well I have been here with Matt & Cherri for a few days now. It already feels like home again. Another reason I haven't been posting. Well anyways I need to start searching for a job so I will try and update more later.
Awww. Thanks for enjoying the entry smile
This is almost my final week being here in this no fun zone. This place is a real drag and its even worse considering all the rain and flooding that has been going on lately... you would thing these places would try and be remotely prepared for these situations. Like flooding and all of that... but noooo. That's too fuckin hard. Eh oh well. One...
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Alrightly then ladies and gentlemen. I think I am going to start clearing tomorrow instead... we will see. If this is a fact I am going to be one happy mother fucker. I honestly can't wait to get this paperwork done on all of this. I will try and update more later. Ocean's Thirteen was so-so. Not the best and not the greatest. The media...
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IBT=itty bitty titty. Basically, I have no boobs and people with boobs make me feel self-concious. biggrin
Yet another lonely Birthday in the military. I should prolly start packing my shit up soon. I know I have a while before I actually start getting ready to leave but I don't want any delays in me getting the fuck outta here.
Thank you for showing love on my new set! xxxx
Yeah dude, Sweetheart is awesome like that smile
T-minus 33 days and counting. Can't wait much longer. I have a LOT of catching up to do with my friends and what little family I have left. Hell, my friends pretty much are my family.
Why me...
because it was your turn! nah, it probably wasnt.

anyways, the tattoo on the dudes head is cloven hooves praying! he was a crazy fucker, hahaha.
Yeah, I have a very very very small apartment, and i don't even have a desk, so the laptop is really convenient for me.
This my friends is gonna be short and sweet. I recently found out that my car has been attempted or successfully repoed. When I was on my tour in Iraq I let my Mom use my car. Since she would be able to use it better than I could. Everything is fine and dandy right? Well it was when I came back my Mom said...
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Ok, I just realized that I need to update cause lyxzen just left a comment and I realized that "HEY I HAVE SEEN THAT MOVIE NOW!" Talking about 28 Weeks Later.

It was beyond my expectations... I really really enjoyed the movie and of course I am gonna say that anyone that Is a zombie fan should see it. But if you have seen the...
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Thank you! smile Yeah, it's hard to leave something behind that you've been doing for a long time, but I suppose new things are exciting, too!
I take it you didn't read the fine print on that memo. It read, "The above information is null and void if your name happens to be Silencia AND you get naked on the website known as suicidegirls.com." So there tongue

Yes, the new set should be amazing! I can't wait to see how it'll turn out biggrin
Please Read, or Skim whatever.

Ok, this is going to be brief. Today is special because I only have sixty nine (69). Days left in the military and I think that is something special because this will never happen again. So thats about it. Can't wait to see 28 Weeks Later. That should be pretty bad ass. Def looking forward to it. That's all for...
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Haha. You're awesome. Thanks for the sweet comment on the new set biggrin
i am beyond stoked to see 28 weeks later...should be amazing!