This my friends is gonna be short and sweet. I recently found out that my car has been attempted or successfully repoed. When I was on my tour in Iraq I let my Mom use my car. Since she would be able to use it better than I could. Everything is fine and dandy right? Well it was when I came back my Mom said she would be happy to take over payments so she can still get back and forth to work and everything. So she could find another vehicle and all that jazz. So I was like cool. That's fine I don't have a problem with that. Well I just found out recently that I can't get a hold of her now cause her phone is in op. And they are taking actions to repossess my car. This is just all very depressing. I thought I could trust her to take care of that and even if she needed help making a payment I would have been fine with that. And made sure it never came to this... so it seems like I am up a shit creek without a paddle... I have no idea what I am gonna do now for transportation when I get back. At least my buddy Matt can put me up for a while.