Well I past my PT test. No problems as usual. Once I get out of the military I am gonna be going to Chicago. For UTI School in Automotive mechanics. So eventually I would like to get to know the scene a little bit better. I am pretty excited though.
I am hoping I can get early out. A program that lets soldiers get out early cause they are enrolled in Collage or a Schooling program 30 - 90 days ahead of there ETS date. I mainly want to do it so I can try and save up enough cash so I when I get there I wont have to worry about money. Cause that is the last thing I need on my mind. Having money issues and what not. So I think I will be in NE until Aug area. If I don't get early out tho I am gonna push my school date back cause I am gonna spend time with my friends no matter what. It's like they are the only real family that I have ever had growing up. Hell I might stay in NE just so I can get schooling in IT information technology. I have also thought about going to Full Sail but the prices for school out there are insane. I know it would be worth it though. I dunno if I would be able to handle it though. I mean I did drop out of highschool when I was 17. I have to help support the house. I am not gonna go into anymore detail than that. I don't think anyone is interested in my life story at the moment. Well that is the plan so far. I don't remember if I have mentioned this already about myself but I am German... for the most part. Like three quarter German and a little English, Irish,and Indian in my blood. So when I start going to school I plan on learning German. Maybe someday I will be fluent enough to post in German. One could only hope right?
Well I think that's about it for now. I will try and update more later. As more news comes along. Keepin track of my progress in life.

Well I think that's about it for now. I will try and update more later. As more news comes along. Keepin track of my progress in life.