Alrighty then. Another post these are just now happening way too frequent. Well I have a PT test tomorrow. Yes, one of the many joys of military life... They test your body to see if it can past their requirements. For a soldier's physical well being... the thing that I don't get is if a man/woman that is over weight (by army standards and probably civilian) Why would they be discriminated more so than a soldier that can't pass the PT test? This I don't understand. I have learned that in my military career a man or woman that can't pass the PT test is allowed to receive awards but someone that is overweight can't? This is totally mind boggling to me because if you can't pass one standard that should make it so you can't receive favorable action from anything else right? I mean c'mon let's get real here. If the military has actual standards there would be a LOT of fucking people that would not make the requirements for enlistment or that barely pass. Should be put on some kind of program with their final unit. I should know cause I was one of those people. And I fully understand everything in the military now. If you look the part and act the part and if you are in the right place at the right time and if you kiss enough ass the fucking sky is the limit. I hate to say this but military life in some aspects isn't that much different from civilian life. And I know I hate with every being in my heart a kiss ass. And I have seen so many of those it makes my eyes bleed.
Ok well I am done venting on that subject for now... I am sure it will come up again real soon.
Well I went online tonight (Xbox 360) and checked to see if the Halo 3 beta was available and of course it wasn't I swear they are only gonna give us like 2 weeks if that to play Halo 3 Multi. On another note I also went on to see if tokyodreams was on and she wasn't. Thats quite alright though. Cause I have come to the realization that I have not played Gears in a while... I was very disappointed in my performance. I wasn't getting the head shots that I normally get I was getting chainsawed what that wouldn't have happened if I was on my game... But thankfully I wasn't able to make myself look like a total scrub in front of her so that's good news!? I guess.
Well anyways I just woke up and I need to get some things done. We will see what happens tomorrow if I pass or fail. I see no reason why I should fail...

Well I went online tonight (Xbox 360) and checked to see if the Halo 3 beta was available and of course it wasn't I swear they are only gonna give us like 2 weeks if that to play Halo 3 Multi. On another note I also went on to see if tokyodreams was on and she wasn't. Thats quite alright though. Cause I have come to the realization that I have not played Gears in a while... I was very disappointed in my performance. I wasn't getting the head shots that I normally get I was getting chainsawed what that wouldn't have happened if I was on my game... But thankfully I wasn't able to make myself look like a total scrub in front of her so that's good news!? I guess.
Well anyways I just woke up and I need to get some things done. We will see what happens tomorrow if I pass or fail. I see no reason why I should fail...

It's funny, PT is the only thing I miss about the military. I was literally PT queen. Now I do nothing active, whatsoever. Guess I have difficulty doing things unless someone is telling me I have to - sucks.