Well I have good news. We have finally turned in all of our HET trucks that we have been driving. (Heavy Equipment Transporter) So most of the work that we do now will be all down hill. I am really stoked about this. Nineteen more days till we leave for the states. Sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday that we were here being all pissy, upset, and dreading the fact that we were gonna have to stay here for 12 months. I am glad the end is right around the corner. Cause this means that I will be able to see my Nikki. And that girl means everything to me.
More Blogs
Friday Aug 24, 2007
Woo an update. I am finally on my own again. I have a roommate hes pr… -
Thursday Jul 12, 2007
Well I have been here with Matt & Cherri for a few days now. It alr… -
Friday Jun 29, 2007
This is almost my final week being here in this no fun zone. This p… -
Tuesday Jun 19, 2007
Alrightly then ladies and gentlemen. I think I am going to start cl… -
Monday Jun 11, 2007
Yet another lonely Birthday in the military. I should prolly start p… -
Tuesday Jun 05, 2007
T-minus 33 days and counting. Can't wait much longer. I have a LOT of… -
Friday May 25, 2007
Why me... -
Monday May 21, 2007
This my friends is gonna be short and sweet. I recently found out tha… -
Monday May 14, 2007
Ok, I just realized that I need to update cause lyxzen just left a c… -
Monday May 07, 2007
Please Read, or Skim whatever. Ok, this is going to be brief. Today…