Hey Crabs, I wanted to respond to your opinions you posted a few days back, so here goes:
1. Agreed - it's said that a glass of wine every four weeks after the first trimester is OK, though I wouldn't do it if I were the mother.
2. I don't like either candidate; I might not vote
3. I get annoyed when some Jews call people anti-semetic for talking harshly about the USA's foreign-policy with Israel. Israel DID steal the land, but it's not like everyone's going to pack-up and leave. People calling for that are obviously forgeting our history with the Natives. People get mad and say that "might doesn't make it right." But that's generally how territories are created time and time again from a world-history perspective.
Israel is the biggest source of modern anti-semetism in the world ... just because quite a lot of USA people and others from supporting countries, don't like the fact that we sending them billions (Israel is the largest recipient of USA foreign-aid) to defend against terrorists and oppress people with. Anytime a country tries to stem terrorism, they'll end up opressing the pool of people from whence the terrorists came/come, to a degree - it's inevitable. There's also evidence that the Israeli gov (and possibly the American gov) may've known about 9/11 as little as 2 hours before the attack - but they refuse to release their intelligence, saying that it's "classified." Though not spoken of politically, it's common knowledge that the US got attacked for what terrorists saw as a surrogacy between the two nations. A lot of people lack the verbage to put their feelings into words and so they'll blame Jews in America, Israelis, terrorists etc. The whole lot basically. I don't know what the attitude towards America is by the Israeli public or what the general consensus towards arabs is. But seeing as there are a lot of dual-citizenship Americans/Israelis, sometimes people will question their loyalty, and whose interests they are serving. There should be an equilibrium of understanding, obviously. I think (but am not sure) that AIPAC doesn't have to register as an agent of a foreign gov., while most other lobbies do.
Some Jews probably get where they are due to persistance and hard work, others due to who they know, etc .... You did make an assumption when you said that "the muslims and arabs in foreign countries don't believe in showering." However, if it's is indeed the case that you've only been around unhygenic arabs, then, one can say that your life is your experience, at which point the stereotype is true for you, personally. Not likely, but I don't know you. I don't see how you could be labeled as racist for thinking this.
About the Holocaust - I think it takes up too much of school cirriculium. There are other atrocities that people have commited that should be talked about as well. No one ever talks about the rape of Nanking or Pol Pot and the Killing Fields, or communism - those weren't talked about in my public school at all. It's pretty much just white history that's learned about and all the bad stuff whitey did. I think this contributes to the way some minorities view white people. If we are going to going to be a multi-cultural society, we need to learn about other people's histories too and not just their 'American' history.
I've often had problems with people calling me racist, and then I constantly drive the point that I'm not one, and say "I'm not racist, but ________ is such and such." Whereupon 'such and such' happens to be a perfectly rational complaint having to do with the bad apples of a certain people. You've got to call a spade a spade; just because you make a generalization on a certain race doesn't neccesiarily entail racial hatred of a people. Unfortunately many people just cannot understand this. I often find that most hypersensitive liberals, that are deluded with white guilt and think racism lurks around every corner, will often say that "every race has its bad seeds" or something near to that. Then they'll turn around and chastise others for making generalizations of races based on experience - well if every race has its bad apples - just by that fact alone - it means that there are generalizations to be made when you single out a race, just as there are generalizations to be made when you look at the whole gamut of humanity.
They are utterly hypocritical in this regard. People try really hard nowdays to look for racism where it doesn't exist, and I'm neither racist, nor anti-racist. Anti-racists typically are guided by guilt and think of race more than anything else. It seems like racism is their meaningful existance - they thrive on it - like Jessie Jackson. Usually just a step above most racists. And they typically have knee-jerk reactions to what they don't understand. Even Mr. Jackson said that he'd feel safer walking through a white neighborhood at night, but unfortunately, you can't get away with saying that kind of thing unless you're black - and it's mostly not blacks throwing the vitrol around - it's liberals.
The data is out there and it correlates with reality. One just needs to look at the FBI and US Department of Justice's satatistical data. There's nothing wrong with clarifying that you aren't racist and I don't see how that would make you racist.
4. Ok - it's your journal to rant in
5. Same as above
6. I agree with very very little of what he says. He is excellent at perpetuating disinformation. Can't stand him.
7. #4
8. I don't undecided on if they did it or not, but it doesn't seem like they got a fair trial.
9. Yes, it is lame.
10. Yes, they do look and sound ignorant
11. Agreed
12. I've had problems with this before. A butch-lookin doctor cornered me and gave me all sorts of blood tests and lambasted me for being too skinny. Talked about liver damage, but she found nothing was wrong and was amazed that nothing was wrong and that I was skinny. Because she was fat and didn't like it, I guess.
And on and on .....
Some people just cannot grasp things and there's a lot of entrophy in written word.
Oh my God thanks dude that was the best response yet. I couldn't agree more with what you had to say and thanks for clearing that up that just because I might state something about a race...doesn't necessarily make me a racist.
Hey Crabs, I wanted to respond to your opinions you posted a few days back, so here goes:
1. Agreed - it's said that a glass of wine every four weeks after the first trimester is OK, though I wouldn't do it if I were the mother.
2. I don't like either candidate; I might not vote
3. I get annoyed when some Jews call people anti-semetic for talking harshly about the USA's foreign-policy with Israel. Israel DID steal the land, but it's not like everyone's going to pack-up and leave. People calling for that are obviously forgeting our history with the Natives. People get mad and say that "might doesn't make it right." But that's generally how territories are created time and time again from a world-history perspective.
Israel is the biggest source of modern anti-semetism in the world ... just because quite a lot of USA people and others from supporting countries, don't like the fact that we sending them billions (Israel is the largest recipient of USA foreign-aid) to defend against terrorists and oppress people with. Anytime a country tries to stem terrorism, they'll end up opressing the pool of people from whence the terrorists came/come, to a degree - it's inevitable. There's also evidence that the Israeli gov (and possibly the American gov) may've known about 9/11 as little as 2 hours before the attack - but they refuse to release their intelligence, saying that it's "classified." Though not spoken of politically, it's common knowledge that the US got attacked for what terrorists saw as a surrogacy between the two nations. A lot of people lack the verbage to put their feelings into words and so they'll blame Jews in America, Israelis, terrorists etc. The whole lot basically. I don't know what the attitude towards America is by the Israeli public or what the general consensus towards arabs is. But seeing as there are a lot of dual-citizenship Americans/Israelis, sometimes people will question their loyalty, and whose interests they are serving. There should be an equilibrium of understanding, obviously. I think (but am not sure) that AIPAC doesn't have to register as an agent of a foreign gov., while most other lobbies do.
Some Jews probably get where they are due to persistance and hard work, others due to who they know, etc .... You did make an assumption when you said that "the muslims and arabs in foreign countries don't believe in showering." However, if it's is indeed the case that you've only been around unhygenic arabs, then, one can say that your life is your experience, at which point the stereotype is true for you, personally. Not likely, but I don't know you. I don't see how you could be labeled as racist for thinking this.
About the Holocaust - I think it takes up too much of school cirriculium. There are other atrocities that people have commited that should be talked about as well. No one ever talks about the rape of Nanking or Pol Pot and the Killing Fields, or communism - those weren't talked about in my public school at all. It's pretty much just white history that's learned about and all the bad stuff whitey did. I think this contributes to the way some minorities view white people. If we are going to going to be a multi-cultural society, we need to learn about other people's histories too and not just their 'American' history.
I've often had problems with people calling me racist, and then I constantly drive the point that I'm not one, and say "I'm not racist, but ________ is such and such." Whereupon 'such and such' happens to be a perfectly rational complaint having to do with the bad apples of a certain people. You've got to call a spade a spade; just because you make a generalization on a certain race doesn't neccesiarily entail racial hatred of a people. Unfortunately many people just cannot understand this. I often find that most hypersensitive liberals, that are deluded with white guilt and think racism lurks around every corner, will often say that "every race has its bad seeds" or something near to that. Then they'll turn around and chastise others for making generalizations of races based on experience - well if every race has its bad apples - just by that fact alone - it means that there are generalizations to be made when you single out a race, just as there are generalizations to be made when you look at the whole gamut of humanity.
They are utterly hypocritical in this regard. People try really hard nowdays to look for racism where it doesn't exist, and I'm neither racist, nor anti-racist. Anti-racists typically are guided by guilt and think of race more than anything else. It seems like racism is their meaningful existance - they thrive on it - like Jessie Jackson. Usually just a step above most racists. And they typically have knee-jerk reactions to what they don't understand. Even Mr. Jackson said that he'd feel safer walking through a white neighborhood at night, but unfortunately, you can't get away with saying that kind of thing unless you're black - and it's mostly not blacks throwing the vitrol around - it's liberals.
The data is out there and it correlates with reality. One just needs to look at the FBI and US Department of Justice's satatistical data. There's nothing wrong with clarifying that you aren't racist and I don't see how that would make you racist.
4. Ok - it's your journal to rant in
5. Same as above
6. I agree with very very little of what he says. He is excellent at perpetuating disinformation. Can't stand him.
7. #4
8. I don't undecided on if they did it or not, but it doesn't seem like they got a fair trial.
9. Yes, it is lame.
10. Yes, they do look and sound ignorant
11. Agreed
12. I've had problems with this before. A butch-lookin doctor cornered me and gave me all sorts of blood tests and lambasted me for being too skinny. Talked about liver damage, but she found nothing was wrong and was amazed that nothing was wrong and that I was skinny. Because she was fat and didn't like it, I guess.
And on and on .....
Some people just cannot grasp things and there's a lot of entrophy in written word.