It was HOT as hell today. Heat index of atleast 107. No fun to work outside in... So i guess i will have to reward my self by going out tonight (excuse to drink some booze, as if i need one.)
So tonight i have to meet with the car club... joy joy joy, this means that i have to wash my shit again. 3 time this week between road construction and driving over 2000 miles since last thursday...
Done venting.
Done venting.
what kinda car?
and i love your Favorite Books. very cool.
i'm beat. gotta go watch brats for 5 hours.
and i love your Favorite Books. very cool.
i'm beat. gotta go watch brats for 5 hours.
Ok so today i had a good day.
I worked till 2 and was able to leave, then by 3 i was swimming and by 6 i was surfing.... What a great day. And my skinny ass got the best beach rash in the world... Explanation: The waves were breaking quite small and wierd today (atleast to me) and i happen to fall right on...
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I worked till 2 and was able to leave, then by 3 i was swimming and by 6 i was surfing.... What a great day. And my skinny ass got the best beach rash in the world... Explanation: The waves were breaking quite small and wierd today (atleast to me) and i happen to fall right on...
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i've chewed my fair share of sand when the waves broke on the sand bar. yum yum. sand-wiches. delicious.
i miss the beach.
i miss the beach.
I am tired.....
i want you.
Now i know skating and all is not such the adult, mature subject, but I went to the Boom Boom Huck Jam tour tonight and it was awsome. I went with my mom because she had never seen anything like it before, (which was a great idea.) Matt Hoffman was almost like seeing Jordan. I would highly recomend this expo to anyone.
Shrooms + Fireworks = Goodtime...
To change the world is to change the people, and to change the people is to change the wrong. Opps i guess we will always be the same.
One day I will not be a statistic.
One day I will not be a statistic.
It's alright. It's been really humid, and won't rain. And the A/C in this apt. sucks ass.
well then.. maybe change ISN'T good...
To change the world is to change the people, and to change the people is to change the wrong. Opps i guess we will always be the same.
One day I will not be a statistic.
One day I will not be a statistic.
Drunk, maybe, just a bit.
I can't wait till this weekend, another fun weekend at ginnie springs. Nothing like a good weekend of booze and the sweet cheeba, yummy. What a journal update, thats all folks.
I can't wait till this weekend, another fun weekend at ginnie springs. Nothing like a good weekend of booze and the sweet cheeba, yummy. What a journal update, thats all folks.
Today i realized how much music effects my emotions. I love music, but today listening to From Autumn to Ashes, i became almost sad and lonely. This was wierd because most shiznit usually makes me pumped, reved up, or what have you. I havn't found my self feeling this way in a while.
Oh well at least the feeling only lasted as long as the...
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Oh well at least the feeling only lasted as long as the...
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hey, just saw you were from jax so just thought I would say hi! I know exactly how you feel about the music thing too...I get that way with the Used. take care!