Blahhhhhh, havn't blogged in a while, life has been hecktic. heck i don't even think i have posted since i moved back into the country 7 months ago. So here is some life venting......
I dated a girl, awsome girl, had issues but i helped her work them out. She got a new job, she cheated, started usuing, i kicked her out. I got a...
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I dated a girl, awsome girl, had issues but i helped her work them out. She got a new job, she cheated, started usuing, i kicked her out. I got a...
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I woke up this mornind and but of course i have had another nightmare. Is this good or bad. I have had a week full of suspense. its crazy. My whole life i have had this problem and i have never cared to much about night terrors and night mares, they would just happen and i would wake up. But the ones i have had...
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lol.....your car was there?
just got back from tampa. Local Scion show. Joey took best tC and I took best of show. 

Tool was sick this weekend. First time seeing them life, fucking amazing. I knew they used a lot of Alex Grey art in his album covers, but damn digidy was it bad ass as backdrops and props on stage. Hands down one of the best put on show i have ever been to.
Going Nucking Futs. Tool has finally come to play tonight. I even have great tickets but the best of all is the Tropical Storm hitting Jax Right Now. So much fucking rain. Should make for a very eventful day.
Bordom is such a waste of time. So i have decided to go through my old music albums and i am so suprised in the shit that i still have. Dead kennedy's, T.S.O.L., Dead milkmen. Reminds of the old punk days kinda nice. The days of trying to be so "dirty" in a good way.LOL. Now to the old movie i found. SUBURBIA. Ah don't...
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Yeah So my computer finally works and since everyone cares now you know.. Um Nice, good times good times. As and appropriate saying lately cheers, to life and....... death.

arm ink work
new shiznizzle
Happy Birthday!

Wax on, Wax off.. Ahhhh its to hot to wax my vehicle. I just need to keep telling my self to just keep cleaning because it will be worth it this weekend, damn it sounds so much better than having to do it. Plbbbbbbbbbbbb.
thank you! sorry i haven't been on in a while... how is everything in FL? the rain subsided i assume?
Weekend = PARTAY....
Time to enjoy before the trip to atlanta next weekend for Nopi Nationals. Another words practice partying this weekend so i am ready next weekend. Sorry just makeing it sound good to myself so i can drink more.
Time to enjoy before the trip to atlanta next weekend for Nopi Nationals. Another words practice partying this weekend so i am ready next weekend. Sorry just makeing it sound good to myself so i can drink more.
The Rain. It will not stop, it has been raining now for atleast 4 days and it dosn't seem to be stoping anytime soon. Although i hav slept better the last few day because of that awsome sound of rain on your window. Yep the little things in life.