So with the push from a girl I was previously seeing but just before I completed the transition to my new job decided to leave me, I am now about to fully start my adventure as a personal trainer. It is something I thought I may like to do but was always far too intimidated to undertake because I was so unsure. But there is...
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So I decided to just starting writing down thoughts I have while intoxicated. Luckily tonight is a very mild intoxication, unfortunately recent events of being dumped and personally attacked by an ex's boyfriend and such has made the thoughts great ammunition for this kind of self hatred. I wrote the things down before writing this little precursor. Not like anyone will really read it anyway....
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I have never been very good with posting to social media or keeping up on things. Sharing for me is something that causes anxiety and I tend to not be interested in other people's lives because either I am keeping under my rock or feel that I am not noticed anyway.

But lately I simply have been missing because I have been working on me...
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I am haunted by a statement made to me. "If only you were 20 years older."

Of course it would be better if she was 20 years younger. And I also understand how some may have a hesitation to a 24 year old contemplating pursuing a 53 year old. It was never my intent and while I have an interest in older women, 29 years...
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How come every girl I come across seems to be ok with my beard being shorter than it is in my current photo but mentioning that I want to grow it out long seems to disgust them? Why can't I find an active, maybe little curvy, beard loving gal?? haha. KCCO

I like long beards or goatees... it's important that they don't stink and are "treated".
Always keeping things clean! Have to take pride in such things as beards and hair.

Have totally been hiding under a rock lately and I missed the site. Unfortunately my girlfriend and I split a few months ago, which of course lead to lots of stress because I was in a completely different state alone. Almost completely, I had 2 people that were friends. And event though I talked with people at Crossfit WestCo, I am not very good with...
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Well I finally took the step to see a professional regarding my struggles with my mental health. The last few weeks have been very tough and my worst bought with depression, although not the first struggle. So I am on a mild antidepressant, tonight was my first night taking it and well I found out that it will not make me drowsy but instead keep...
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The stresses are starting to get to me. I am unable to sleep tonight with an overwhelming feeling that I made the wrong choice. With love, school, and moving. I am trying to tell myself things will work out and to just be patient but my mind cannot stop doubting. It has always been this way. So many questions and the answers I give never...
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Awe honey, it will all work out. This I can promise you. What do you normally do for work? 
I just graduated with a degree in Wellness, Health Promotion and would like to get in to corporate wellness for a bit of time. Normally I have worked retail, industrial and running specialty. Trying to have some patience but the market is looking bare in this area so I may have to venture somewhere else.

It has been an adventurous two weeks since graduation. Got to take a trip to see my lady in Colorado before making the move. Some tension in our relationship has caused doubts and fears in both our minds so the trip was great in helping to settle a few things. It also helped me get away from things back home before I spent a lot...
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Good luck with your girl!!!!! :)

Not sure anyone will actually even read these things, let alone enjoy them but going to vent anyway. I am vastly approaching my graduation from my undergraduate degree and am increasingly frightened. It is now only 5 days away, meaning that I will have even greater responsibility and change following. Change has never been much of my friend, I like my small comfortable box that...
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Recently came across a fun little writing challenge. Utilizing 7 words, write a small "story" that would essentially leave the audience captivated or intrigued. Here are some I came up with:

And he said as he left, "Forever".

The dirt grows heavy as rain falls.

Kneeling in God's shadow, an angel weeps.

Perfection achieved. Built for self-destruction.

The sun beams bright as he exhales.

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