Yesterday I went to the SGSD picnic and I gata say thank you to everyone who was there. I just moved to San Diego and haven't had a lot of time to go out and make some new friends in the area but the group yesterday was so great to hang out with. Everyone was very welcoming to me and the night just got more...
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Photo thief!
what can I say. It was a good picture. smile
Man its been a while. I've been killin myself trying to get a job. And to top it all off I've stopped smoking until Im in a new job. I really want to smoke a bowl right now.

This weekend was interesting, my house almost burned down in the Yorba Linda fire and we had 20 minutes to evacuate. I spent the weekend in a...
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things can only get better smile
wow, just got back from the ranch last night and i feel great. nice long bike ride and some good fishing, not to mention some really good weed. it was good for me to get out of town and clear my head. now im ready for the job interviews and moving that october will bring. on top of it all, today is my last first...
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im contemplating the the cruel twists our lives take. sometimes a person can strip everything away and be left with the core of who they are. why does fate aim straight at this core? i understand that life without pain has no substance, but at what point can we all let go? just experience freedom. we get to places where we are standing with our...
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so im sitting here waiting for these shrooms to kick in wondering if anyone will ever read this. i cant wait to watch alice in wonderland on these things. its gana be so awesome!!!! how deep does the rabbit hole go?
I can not wait to move to san diego. i miss living down there so much. hopefully the job interviews go ok down there. i miss waking up and headed down to la jolla shores for a nice relaxing breakfast by the beach, summertime watching the weddings in the park on the cliffs.

man i really want to have a total stoner day, its been...
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Stumbled across your post on the Spring Awakening thread on the theater group...glad you liked the tour, a couple of my friends worked on it. I'm working on a musical at the La Jolla Playhouse right now...it's my first time working in Cali...it's really gorgeous!

All the best with the jobs, hope things go your way!


Man I miss the snow so much. still have at least 3 more months til we get any in socal and im ready to wax my board and hit it now! the mountain is my happy place and im tired of the summer life.
I really do not want to go to class today. after 5 years I'm really done with this. Just gata keep telling myself one more class.
When you graduate college, they dont give you a pamphlet on what next. It is time for me to be gone from this town and not look back. wish me luck...