I love books, getting a new book is like Christmas morning to me. I love reading about history (especially biographies), theology, and philosophy. So, here are my top ten with brief synopsis.
The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius
A work of prison literature written by Roman statesman Boethius in 6th century. Examining how evil can exist in a world governed by God. A theological topic known as “theodicy” which is an interest of mine
How You Know Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You by. The Oatmeal
A bunch of very funny cat comics and the like…
Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence by. Daniel Goleman
A spectacular book on discovering and using your emotional intelligence (not just intellect) to lead. A lot of Fortune 500 CEOs recommend this book. I’ve read it twice.
The Four Loves by. C.S. Lewis
Beautiful book where he explores the four types of love: affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God
Madman:A Novel by. Tracy Groot
My only straight fiction work on my list. Even the cover is badass! Here’s the synopsis from Amazon:
“philosopher's servant, is sent to a Greek academy in Palestine only to discover that it has silently, ominously, disappeared. No one will tell him what happened, but he learns what has become of four of its scholars. One was murdered. One committed suicide. One worships in the temple of Dionysus. And one ... one is a madman. From the author of The Brother's Keeper comes a tale of mystery, horror, and hope in the midst of unimaginable darkness.”
The Complete Poetry and Works of John Donne by. John Donne (big surprise on the author, eh?)
Donne was a poet from the late 16-mid 17th century who wrote about love, sexuality, and religion. He was a “hopeless romantic” before hopeless romanticism was a thing. Forewarning, that the grammar and spelling is; weird
My American Journey by. General Colin Powell
Amazing autobiography about one the greatest Generals in American history! He was a lot of firsts, first one in his family to graduate college, first black officer to be commissioned through ROTC in City University of NYC. Youngest one star General ever. Recounts his military service which sadly and shamefully began during Jim Crow era. Through Vietnam and to his textbook running of Desert Shield/Storm
The Only Thing Worth Dying For by. Eric Blehm
True story of a unit of Green Berets who in immediate aftermath of 9/11 were tasked with defeating the Taliban and helping Hamid Karzai ascend to power
The Five Languages of Apology by. Dr. Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas
Everyone loves Chapman’s other book but this one is a must! It teaches you what proper apologies look like (receiving and giving). Many people (myself included) absolutely need to read and reread this book.
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by. Eric Metaxas
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German theologian, professor, and spy during WW2. When Hitler rose to power in 1939, pastors were told that a. They must worship the swastika and preach Hitler as savior or b. Not preach/teach at all. If you were caught teaching about Jesus, to a prison camp you go. Dietrich chose a third option, run underground seminaries, and work for the Abwehr - the German version of the CIA. While working for them he was able to forge documents and get many of those who would be in the camps to safety in Switzerland. He later became involved in the failed Valkyrie plot to assassinate Hitler. He was greatly perplexed and concerned with, “was it right to try and kill Hitler.” In the end, Bonhoeffer wrote, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil,” he would later write. “Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”