First world problem: Getting laid off from dead end job, getting worker retraining and unemployment. Not starving, just can't afford to play hockey year round. :-(
Subbed in with my team tonight. My +/- is official shit. I can't remember the last time, if ever, I was -4 for a game. Only one was truly my fault, but being the center means everything is my fault. Let's see if I can bounce back with a Win on Saturday playing Roller Derby.
Stay classy SG land
Subbed in with my team tonight. My +/- is official shit. I can't remember the last time, if ever, I was -4 for a game. Only one was truly my fault, but being the center means everything is my fault. Let's see if I can bounce back with a Win on Saturday playing Roller Derby.
Stay classy SG land
Hang in there. I get the whole getting laid off thing.

thanks to read my blog dear