in class, sneaking an update while we discuss bit transpositon prior to encoding in 100BASE-TX and -FX Ethernet schemes.
good weekend. partied with navin and harmon's rad younger bro...unfortunately i called him by the wrong name at the end of the night due to drunkenness and at the time i was thinking of tom's of maine toothpaste, because i had just bought it earlier that day. i am a stupid
let's get dumb!
good weekend. partied with navin and harmon's rad younger bro...unfortunately i called him by the wrong name at the end of the night due to drunkenness and at the time i was thinking of tom's of maine toothpaste, because i had just bought it earlier that day. i am a stupid
let's get dumb!

people are dumb
dude, i don't know how the hell we could frolf apres work... i drive home in the dark... what about saturday-day or sunday? no plans yet for the weekend, we'll need to get those dialed... figure something out, and make it happen..