moses is boring and lame/bland. see, i can too compromise. so take that, dirtbag.
>anyways, now we can go weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
>we understand exactly what gonads and strife can do to a person. "GONADS IN THE LIGHTNING"
>beck has a flat ass and about 3 dance moves
>beck looks cute in the light up suit
>drunk frat boys peeing in the chevron sink equal penis nilla wafers
enough said. think on what you have been told and report back with 500 words double spaced.
>anyways, now we can go weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
>we understand exactly what gonads and strife can do to a person. "GONADS IN THE LIGHTNING"
>beck has a flat ass and about 3 dance moves
>beck looks cute in the light up suit
>drunk frat boys peeing in the chevron sink equal penis nilla wafers
enough said. think on what you have been told and report back with 500 words double spaced.
crazy fuckheads