Crap, it just keeps going and going. It's like they want to give me a free membership.
My life has been crazy chaos lately. All sorts of emotional strangeness going on and a million signs telling me that it's time to get back into art. Just when I thought I'd had every sign I could have, my dad comes into town and tells me that the best carver alive is teaching a class this weekend and he'll make space in it for me if I want to go. I haven't done much carving in the last 4 years and I have the entire weekend off work which rarely happens. The timing is so crazy. I think I'm actually ready to have a focus in my life again. It's been quite awhile. I definitely have an excess of passion that needs an outlet. I'm scared to death though. I am more frightened of showing people my art than I am of anything else in the world. I'm also scared that I'll discover that carving is indeed my passion and that it will consume my entire life. I tend to live like that but I think maybe it's time that I learn to control that part of myself even just a little. I can do reckless abandon like nobodies business.
My life has been crazy chaos lately. All sorts of emotional strangeness going on and a million signs telling me that it's time to get back into art. Just when I thought I'd had every sign I could have, my dad comes into town and tells me that the best carver alive is teaching a class this weekend and he'll make space in it for me if I want to go. I haven't done much carving in the last 4 years and I have the entire weekend off work which rarely happens. The timing is so crazy. I think I'm actually ready to have a focus in my life again. It's been quite awhile. I definitely have an excess of passion that needs an outlet. I'm scared to death though. I am more frightened of showing people my art than I am of anything else in the world. I'm also scared that I'll discover that carving is indeed my passion and that it will consume my entire life. I tend to live like that but I think maybe it's time that I learn to control that part of myself even just a little. I can do reckless abandon like nobodies business.

i'm scared of heights...a lil. Oh and snakes, I hate snakes. They give me the hibidy-jibidies...