I miss the old SG. I miss being able to go onto Silliness and know everyone there. I miss going onto the news feed and writing articles, or discussing issues, or taking down trolls. I miss my friends, the jokes we would tell, the women I fell for (over and over again). I miss the long flirts, the plans for meetings, the way that SG would come together with real life. I miss talking with @chrysis and @toxic. I miss chatting with @sammarie. I even miss the people who turned on me, though I never figured out why.
I just want everyone to come over for dinner.
@chrysis I just can't get into it. I go into Current Events and there hasn't been a post in months. It used to update every 5 seconds or so. And it's election season! Nobody is live-chatting the debates. It's depressing.
YES!!! I am so bummed about these things too. SG is so boring without our friends.