You know, there are many things I just don't understand in life:
How someone can break off a long-term relationship and start another within just a few weeks;
Why anybody would watch "Everybody Loves Raymond";
Why someone would turn themselves into a billboard for a corporation and pay for the privilege (logo t-shirts);
Why the only women who claim to be interested in me are either completely wrong for me or live a minimum of 600 miles away;
A woman wearing oversized sunglasses, pushed up on her head, at night, while wearing her prescription glasses on her face;
Most current pop culture;
Why people pay good money to go to crap movies;
Tabloid TV;
Celebrities who want to be ON Tabloid TV;
Why people put decorative pillows on their bed when most people aren't going to see the room;
"Guest" soaps;
Why anyone thinks koalas are cute;
Why my red robe, which has been washed dozens and dozens of times, still manages to bleed all over the one sock that accidentally got stuck in the wash with it;
Why people seek drama;
Why boobs are so awesome.
How someone can break off a long-term relationship and start another within just a few weeks;
Why anybody would watch "Everybody Loves Raymond";
Why someone would turn themselves into a billboard for a corporation and pay for the privilege (logo t-shirts);
Why the only women who claim to be interested in me are either completely wrong for me or live a minimum of 600 miles away;
A woman wearing oversized sunglasses, pushed up on her head, at night, while wearing her prescription glasses on her face;
Most current pop culture;
Why people pay good money to go to crap movies;
Tabloid TV;
Celebrities who want to be ON Tabloid TV;
Why people put decorative pillows on their bed when most people aren't going to see the room;
"Guest" soaps;
Why anyone thinks koalas are cute;
Why my red robe, which has been washed dozens and dozens of times, still manages to bleed all over the one sock that accidentally got stuck in the wash with it;
Why people seek drama;
Why boobs are so awesome.
*tackle tickle attack!* *kiss strike* 

aww! missed you too boo!