Lovely bundle of shit from last night that makes me damn glad I'm not in a relationship right now. Ready to follow the bouncing ball?
Enter Friend #1: 26 years old, met her husband at 18, married for 4-5 years or something. Not sure. I was never a fan of her hubby. He already had two kids from two different women. They now have a 2.5 year old daughter together.
Enter Friend #2: About the same age as F(1). They are, in fact, best friends for the past few years. Has a 3-4 year old autistic son from a bad-choice boyfriend. Has major league attention/neediness issues. Has been dating for the past 8 months or so . . .
Friend #3: 38 year old Army Recruiter. Getting divorced, has 2 kids. Is best friends with F(1)'s stepfather.
Now, that is just the cast of characters. Here comes the drama!
F(1) has been thinking of getting a divorce since about minute 1 of her marriage. Even told me when she was engaged that she didn't think it would last more than 5 or 6 years. Great basis for a marriage, eh? Has spent much of the last 8 years mooning over her high-school ex-bf, who she broke up with about a week before she met her hubby. Anyway, sometime last week, she and F(3) "accidentally" fucked a bit. F(2) and F(3) had broken up for the day because they have that sort of dysfunctional relationship where they break up every other week or so, but are back together by Sunday night. (Did I mention that we are all on the same pool team that plays on Sunday nights?)
So, after the fucking, F(2) and F(3) got back together in time to play all lovey-dovey during pool. Which set F(1) to having several crying jags outside in the smoking section. F(1) says she is in love with F(3), but doesn't really want a relationship with him. Instead, she is planning to ask her husband for a separation this week. What she is pissed about is that F(3) was somehow "making a fool of her", which I was polite enough not to point out that she had done to herself.
While all this is going on, F(1)'s mom and stepdad are also there, having just moved back. She had told them what happened (and what guy doesn't dream of hearing that his step-daughter banged his best friend, who is dating his step-daughter's best friend, who he also sees as a semi-daughter). Her mother decided to join a different pool team because she was concerned that she would blurt something out (most likely a "Fuck You!" to F(3) ).
And to top it all off, I woke up with a cigarette hangover from going out and having a few while listening to all the drama-llamas
I really don't want to go to pool next week. Because, quite frankly, no matter how much they all want to keep it hush hush, it is going to blow up bigtime.
Meh to it all.
Enter Friend #1: 26 years old, met her husband at 18, married for 4-5 years or something. Not sure. I was never a fan of her hubby. He already had two kids from two different women. They now have a 2.5 year old daughter together.
Enter Friend #2: About the same age as F(1). They are, in fact, best friends for the past few years. Has a 3-4 year old autistic son from a bad-choice boyfriend. Has major league attention/neediness issues. Has been dating for the past 8 months or so . . .
Friend #3: 38 year old Army Recruiter. Getting divorced, has 2 kids. Is best friends with F(1)'s stepfather.
Now, that is just the cast of characters. Here comes the drama!
F(1) has been thinking of getting a divorce since about minute 1 of her marriage. Even told me when she was engaged that she didn't think it would last more than 5 or 6 years. Great basis for a marriage, eh? Has spent much of the last 8 years mooning over her high-school ex-bf, who she broke up with about a week before she met her hubby. Anyway, sometime last week, she and F(3) "accidentally" fucked a bit. F(2) and F(3) had broken up for the day because they have that sort of dysfunctional relationship where they break up every other week or so, but are back together by Sunday night. (Did I mention that we are all on the same pool team that plays on Sunday nights?)
So, after the fucking, F(2) and F(3) got back together in time to play all lovey-dovey during pool. Which set F(1) to having several crying jags outside in the smoking section. F(1) says she is in love with F(3), but doesn't really want a relationship with him. Instead, she is planning to ask her husband for a separation this week. What she is pissed about is that F(3) was somehow "making a fool of her", which I was polite enough not to point out that she had done to herself.
While all this is going on, F(1)'s mom and stepdad are also there, having just moved back. She had told them what happened (and what guy doesn't dream of hearing that his step-daughter banged his best friend, who is dating his step-daughter's best friend, who he also sees as a semi-daughter). Her mother decided to join a different pool team because she was concerned that she would blurt something out (most likely a "Fuck You!" to F(3) ).
And to top it all off, I woke up with a cigarette hangover from going out and having a few while listening to all the drama-llamas
I really don't want to go to pool next week. Because, quite frankly, no matter how much they all want to keep it hush hush, it is going to blow up bigtime.
Meh to it all.
i doooooo...

Thanks, hon!