I could have gone to a jazz concert tonight. It is just across the street from my apartment, and free, but then I saw who was walking in the door of the place.
Group 1: WASPy muthafuckas. They want to be New England style WASPs, but don't really know how, so they just go to the closest thing we have to a trendy restaurant (which is also where I go for coffee) and hold these really loud, long, boring conversations, punctuated with frequent cell phone calls. They are known to wait until their call is over before leaving, even if their to-go stuff has been sitting on their table for 5 minutes. I saw a herd of these heading in, so that was my first warning.
Group 2: Dressed up hicks. It's sad when some people think that dressing up consists of putting on their "good" Husker shirt (tucked under a massive beer belly) and slicking down their hair before putting on their "goin to church" cap.
Group 3: Young couples with babies . . . seriously, you really brought your 6 month old to a live jazz concert?
So I stayed in.
I stay in too much. Someone come take me out
Group 1: WASPy muthafuckas. They want to be New England style WASPs, but don't really know how, so they just go to the closest thing we have to a trendy restaurant (which is also where I go for coffee) and hold these really loud, long, boring conversations, punctuated with frequent cell phone calls. They are known to wait until their call is over before leaving, even if their to-go stuff has been sitting on their table for 5 minutes. I saw a herd of these heading in, so that was my first warning.
Group 2: Dressed up hicks. It's sad when some people think that dressing up consists of putting on their "good" Husker shirt (tucked under a massive beer belly) and slicking down their hair before putting on their "goin to church" cap.
Group 3: Young couples with babies . . . seriously, you really brought your 6 month old to a live jazz concert?
So I stayed in.
I stay in too much. Someone come take me out


Just wait until someone posts a HRC is VP thread