In a ranty mood:
From 4chan
"Yet the same people hate bush....he's killed way more people than nevada (Japanese school-girl who killed a classmate for calling "Nevada" fat) he's cool."
From some people's disdain of Bush you'd think he personally flew the planes. I don't consider myself a conservative, some people just go too far. I hate O'Reily as much as I hate Moore. It's all about bolstering your point of view to cause a reaction in your audience, and I personally am unimpressed. It took extremist Muslims to come up with the idea that killing innocent people just for the fact that they are Americans was "the will of Allah", just as it took extremist Christians to come up with the idea to kill doctors who perform abortions because it was "the will of God".
How much better would it have been to have a wishy-washy president like Kerry? His only stance I could tell was to disagree with Bush citing no points on what he'd do about it.
Don't even start about the reading to kids thing. Which is better to see, a president calmly finishing his appointment and leaving without alarming children, or for him to run out in a panic? Honestly, what Bush did at that time impressed the fuck outta me.
I'll agree that moving the focus from Afganistan before wrapping up there was a pretty bad move, but neither situation is going to end soon. We're still only in armistace with N. Korea, still working with Kosovo, Bush didn't have anything to do with either of those.
What if Roosevelt had just shrugged off Pearl Harbor? Shit, at least the Japanese had enough honor to use their own planes with clear military identification, unlike the fuckheads 3 years ago. This is a fucking WAR, people die, unfortunately , sometimes those uninvolved with the fighting. A bomb can't tell who is an enemy and who isn't and configure its blast so that not a single piece of dust flies in the direction of someone who just happend to be walking down the street at that time. Not fireing because the "might" be a bystander somewhere in the area is no way to fight enemies that wrap themsleves (and even their own children) in explosive and hope to take 1 American soldier out with them.
Have you ever been told something from a supposedly reliable source, then told someone else, then found out what you were told was wrong? Does that make you a liar, or just misinformed?
God damn it, America was founded in war. You don't hear Jews saying, "Oh the great times we had in the concentration camps." Yet, many soldiers and civilians died, gonna call Roosevelt a murderer? No S. Koreans are saying, "Geez, life was so much better when we were being raped and pillaged by the Japanese!", is Truman a murderer? These people have been liberated from oppression.
From 4chan
"Yet the same people hate bush....he's killed way more people than nevada (Japanese school-girl who killed a classmate for calling "Nevada" fat) he's cool."
From some people's disdain of Bush you'd think he personally flew the planes. I don't consider myself a conservative, some people just go too far. I hate O'Reily as much as I hate Moore. It's all about bolstering your point of view to cause a reaction in your audience, and I personally am unimpressed. It took extremist Muslims to come up with the idea that killing innocent people just for the fact that they are Americans was "the will of Allah", just as it took extremist Christians to come up with the idea to kill doctors who perform abortions because it was "the will of God".
How much better would it have been to have a wishy-washy president like Kerry? His only stance I could tell was to disagree with Bush citing no points on what he'd do about it.
Don't even start about the reading to kids thing. Which is better to see, a president calmly finishing his appointment and leaving without alarming children, or for him to run out in a panic? Honestly, what Bush did at that time impressed the fuck outta me.
I'll agree that moving the focus from Afganistan before wrapping up there was a pretty bad move, but neither situation is going to end soon. We're still only in armistace with N. Korea, still working with Kosovo, Bush didn't have anything to do with either of those.
What if Roosevelt had just shrugged off Pearl Harbor? Shit, at least the Japanese had enough honor to use their own planes with clear military identification, unlike the fuckheads 3 years ago. This is a fucking WAR, people die, unfortunately , sometimes those uninvolved with the fighting. A bomb can't tell who is an enemy and who isn't and configure its blast so that not a single piece of dust flies in the direction of someone who just happend to be walking down the street at that time. Not fireing because the "might" be a bystander somewhere in the area is no way to fight enemies that wrap themsleves (and even their own children) in explosive and hope to take 1 American soldier out with them.
Have you ever been told something from a supposedly reliable source, then told someone else, then found out what you were told was wrong? Does that make you a liar, or just misinformed?
God damn it, America was founded in war. You don't hear Jews saying, "Oh the great times we had in the concentration camps." Yet, many soldiers and civilians died, gonna call Roosevelt a murderer? No S. Koreans are saying, "Geez, life was so much better when we were being raped and pillaged by the Japanese!", is Truman a murderer? These people have been liberated from oppression.
finally someone who could put words to what I think, you need to come to casey and do that more often, i cant ever seem to say what needs to be said.
wait, that was from 4chan? then maybe you dont need to come to casey