okie dokie. i have a huge fear of driving on super busy highways. this comes from being raised in a small town. now, i need to learn to get over this fear so i can get the heck out of this small town! dont get me wrong, it has its benefits. traffic is never too crazy. i can go backroading while looking at the amazing country scenery. (cows tend to be my fave thing to see! such odd but fascinating creatures.) everyone tends to be pretty nice and help out if needed.
now the bad things and oh boy are they annoying: our starbucks closed down. yep. sad day. alot of places close super early. there are so many things u just cant find here. all these awesome movies that are coming out in 3d...yeah. cant see them. our theaters are not capable of showing them. you cant even accidently dye your hair purple without people thinking your a weirdo. (btw, my boss hasnt seen it yet. dont tell...ha). and EVERYONE knows your business. and they dont mind making anyone who isnt aware of it, know about it... {hmm, wondering if that last thing happens to big city people?}
i may be relocating soon due to college, but for now all i can do is roll my eyes
and laugh and just go on living my life. oh, and to figure out the highway thing so i can prevent someone from writing a blog about me... the clueless driver going the speed limit and staying in the middle lane, causing the big city civilians MAJOR annoyance. if this happens, i so very much apologize in advance! 
now the bad things and oh boy are they annoying: our starbucks closed down. yep. sad day. alot of places close super early. there are so many things u just cant find here. all these awesome movies that are coming out in 3d...yeah. cant see them. our theaters are not capable of showing them. you cant even accidently dye your hair purple without people thinking your a weirdo. (btw, my boss hasnt seen it yet. dont tell...ha). and EVERYONE knows your business. and they dont mind making anyone who isnt aware of it, know about it... {hmm, wondering if that last thing happens to big city people?}
i may be relocating soon due to college, but for now all i can do is roll my eyes