Damn, I'm in such a LAZY mood today, but a GOOD mood, you know? Yeah, you know. Leith has a new Wiggles DVD though so he's pretty content just sitting in front of the TV for a while, which I feel guilty about because the sun is shining beautifully outside and there are FRESH RAIN PUDDLES TO SPLASH IN. I really want to take Leith out in the col-de-sac in his gumboots and raincoat to splash in the puddles but I don't want to deal with the tantrum that goes with coming back inside. Plus, I know I'll be shit bored out there, even though Leith will be having mega awesome kid times. I can't deprive him of that! ...but... maybe later.
The house is a bit of a mess today. My best friend has a new puppy and I want to go see it!
Oh, I just realised that it's easier than I thought to attach photos to blogs. Jeeeez. Way to use my eyes.
The house is a bit of a mess today. My best friend has a new puppy and I want to go see it!
Oh, I just realised that it's easier than I thought to attach photos to blogs. Jeeeez. Way to use my eyes.

hope yr well miss x
how goes it?