Ok, I haven't been on SG in ages. I'm now addicted to facebook.com and writing my sister stupid messages on there. It's funny, I never got along with my sister until the day I found out I was pregnant and since that day we've practically been like best friends. I wouldn't have the guts to tell her that, though. I have trouble with showing feelings to my family. If we fight, I never apologise after, even if I am very sorry. If I'm very appreciative, I have to force myself to tell them. It's so weird. Matt's family is completely different. They're very close to each other. It's strange, seeing the contrast.
I wanted to update on how I'm finding motherhood because a message from another girl on here prompted me to read over my old posts and I saw how much I was struggling back then. Leith is now eight months old and the most delightful little boy ever. He is eating "solids" now, although they still have to be whizzed up in the blender. Today he ate his first fingerfood which was vegemite on toast (with no butter). He loved it. I've been trying to get him to eat banana, pear, apple, and all sorts of things with his hands but he doesn't get it, even though he tries to eat all of his toys. He'll only actually eat FOOD if I give it to him on a spoon. Funny little kid.
He has more of a routine now and I'm getting more sleep.
I've given up drinking because I can't handle the hangovers. My body is so much more sensitve than it was before. Sucks, I love drinking, but oh well.
I'm so tired so I'm gonna finish this post up now. Just wanted to mention that I've joined the gym and started dieting to get my body back in shape. Woooo! I am on a 12 week program at a womens' gym called Fernwood which includes a dietician and a personal trainer. Today I had my second personal training appointment... And bbboooyyy did she work me hard!! I'm anticipating being INCREDIBLY sore tomorrow. When I got home I walked to the shops with Leith in his stroller, and when I got home from that, I worked out for another half hour with my Fit to Strip DVD. Sooo that's enough exercise for the week... haha. Nah, just kidding. I hope to go to the gym three times a week.
My body is already beginning to hurt. I'm hungry. Ughhh I need to go to bed. I'm just going to include some photos of my cute little boy... I can't remember if these photos are already in my SG albums but whatever, here they are again.

I wanted to update on how I'm finding motherhood because a message from another girl on here prompted me to read over my old posts and I saw how much I was struggling back then. Leith is now eight months old and the most delightful little boy ever. He is eating "solids" now, although they still have to be whizzed up in the blender. Today he ate his first fingerfood which was vegemite on toast (with no butter). He loved it. I've been trying to get him to eat banana, pear, apple, and all sorts of things with his hands but he doesn't get it, even though he tries to eat all of his toys. He'll only actually eat FOOD if I give it to him on a spoon. Funny little kid.
He has more of a routine now and I'm getting more sleep.
I've given up drinking because I can't handle the hangovers. My body is so much more sensitve than it was before. Sucks, I love drinking, but oh well.
I'm so tired so I'm gonna finish this post up now. Just wanted to mention that I've joined the gym and started dieting to get my body back in shape. Woooo! I am on a 12 week program at a womens' gym called Fernwood which includes a dietician and a personal trainer. Today I had my second personal training appointment... And bbboooyyy did she work me hard!! I'm anticipating being INCREDIBLY sore tomorrow. When I got home I walked to the shops with Leith in his stroller, and when I got home from that, I worked out for another half hour with my Fit to Strip DVD. Sooo that's enough exercise for the week... haha. Nah, just kidding. I hope to go to the gym three times a week.
My body is already beginning to hurt. I'm hungry. Ughhh I need to go to bed. I'm just going to include some photos of my cute little boy... I can't remember if these photos are already in my SG albums but whatever, here they are again.

Good luck w the exercise regime.