I've sat Leith (my son) in front of Play School on TV and one of the presenter's names is Justine, and it's confusing me. The TV is talking to me! It's asking me what the time is!! ... Heh. Well, that's my bit of fun for the day. What's sad is that I've actually seen this episode of Play School before.
Today I took Leith to the doctor to get his 4 month immunisations
He was SO SAD. He was smiling at the nurse, then she put the needle in and he looked all confused... then when bright red and started SCREAMING. My poor, poor baby boy, he was so hurt and looked as if he felt so betrayed. He was looking me in the eye and just cry cry crying. Well, I started crying too. Not very much, but I did have a tear in my eye that I tried so hard to hold back. Then it was time to do the other leg and he cried more, and he didn't stop for so long, he was so sad! After I'd signed the Medicare slip and it was time to walk him home, I pretty much frowned the whole way while he had cried himself to sleep in his pram. When we came through the front door and I told Matt (my partner) all about it, I started crying again. It just made me so upset to see him so hurt. Leith never cries like that
On Sunday it's my first Mothers Day and we're going to take some casts of Leith's hands and feet. That's if Matt gets the things that we need to do it with organised. Ah, well, I'm not going to nag him, he knows how important it is to me.
Today I took Leith to the doctor to get his 4 month immunisations

On Sunday it's my first Mothers Day and we're going to take some casts of Leith's hands and feet. That's if Matt gets the things that we need to do it with organised. Ah, well, I'm not going to nag him, he knows how important it is to me.

I know what you mean about that look of confusion - tho' only from dogs.