God, I'm starving. And the baby monitor is just humming away. Static. Buzzz. Partner is seeing Hot Fuzz tonight with a friend of his. Wish I could join him but alas, I have a baby to look after. Instead, a friend, an ex-boyfriend, but one more like my brother than anything else, is coming to visit. Walking all the way from the beach to my house. I can't wait. We will drink teh alcoholz, watch moviez, listen to moozik, and chatter. Of course I will also feed Leith when time is due. Actually, speaking of which, he's due for a feed in half an hour. I am just sooo hungry. Shit, I haven't even made his formula up yet.
You'd think if I was going to write a blog, I'd make sure I had something interesting to say first.
Partner is going to Farmer Jacks, or Famer Kacks, to buy me Red Bull and Pepsi Max. Then he'll go to Subway and buy me a 6 inch chicken fillet sub. Mmmnumnumnum. I hope that David has already eatenenen. Hell, he hardly eats anyway. I asked him how to lose weight and he told me to eat water. Funny, I thought he'd suggest plain bread as well, but no, just water. I should know better than to take diet advice from him. Advice about anything else, yes, but from a man who lost half his weight within half a year at age fourteen, no.
Speaking of shich, or which, here he is now, and I'm already a little intoxicated after only one drink, which tasted horrible may I add. And now my second which is a combination of Red Bull and Bacardi which is gross. Woops, I just mistook myself for a dog.
David: "What are you up to, dog?"
Me: "Oh, I'm just writing on Suicidegirls"
David: "I'm sorry, but you are not a dog. When I address the dog I do not expect you to respond immediately."
You'd think if I was going to write a blog, I'd make sure I had something interesting to say first.
Partner is going to Farmer Jacks, or Famer Kacks, to buy me Red Bull and Pepsi Max. Then he'll go to Subway and buy me a 6 inch chicken fillet sub. Mmmnumnumnum. I hope that David has already eatenenen. Hell, he hardly eats anyway. I asked him how to lose weight and he told me to eat water. Funny, I thought he'd suggest plain bread as well, but no, just water. I should know better than to take diet advice from him. Advice about anything else, yes, but from a man who lost half his weight within half a year at age fourteen, no.
Speaking of shich, or which, here he is now, and I'm already a little intoxicated after only one drink, which tasted horrible may I add. And now my second which is a combination of Red Bull and Bacardi which is gross. Woops, I just mistook myself for a dog.
David: "What are you up to, dog?"
Me: "Oh, I'm just writing on Suicidegirls"
David: "I'm sorry, but you are not a dog. When I address the dog I do not expect you to respond immediately."

but fuclomg beasts of jellyfish i can't butr await your sincere malicious attemp[t to rape I,. because i AM MERE amoeba seeking justifocatopm I LOVE JELLYFISH FUYCK YOU I KNOW YOU' D LIKE TOM RAPE MUY KJKR;;UTODGBJDFGO D;GKKLVMSFKLMNOPWQrijmnew i but you can't you cunt you fuckl but i lik,re WOMEN sof screw you pedantic yheterosfuxck8ingsexuL UYOUPUSSY LOVING CUNT I HAYTE YOUR TESTICLES.
David: but fuck