No news is supposedly good news... been real busy with work and got some kind of a stomach bug, as well as heat exhaustion. Nothing new really going on. Just really bored a lot. Whats new with you all?
Awww. I am sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you feel better. No news is good news, or it is to me anyway. I could live without any kind of news, well that is not true cause if it is good news than I do want to know about it...rambling away here. What is up with me?! I am moving to Vt. hopefully sooner than later. Busy summer. I have had people visiting that I met here on SG. A couple from New Zealand have been here and a friend of mine from the Netherlands is here now. My friends from New Zealand leave on Friday. I have some things planned. I hope you get out and do something soon!
I got a quick course in economics,
a hard knock on teh head
and abit of maturity.
and a reminder that freedom is able to be grasped in every moment of every day.
Good luck with that tummy bug.