So the transmission on my vehichle is shot, and I don't have the money to have it fixed or to have it towed to a place to have it fixed. I tried filling my taxes yesterday to get that fast cash loan. Well that didn't work, apparently they really can't use your last pay stub of the year, and they do a credit check. It is my money, you are just giving it to me faster than usual. Plus they want to put interest on it. You are putting interest on giving me my money faster than I wuould usaully get it? But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. I had to miss work last night because of this shit, now I have to miss work tonite. I probablly won't have a job after all of this. Georgia is not a right to work state, so your employer can fire you for any reason. Most places are not that bad, but of course I get the one that is the least tolerant of anything. So thats what is new with me. How is everyone else?
More Blogs
Tuesday Feb 16, 2010
Made it back from Texas. It was good being "home" and seeing family, … -
Friday Feb 05, 2010
Things are finally starting to fall in place. Jess, my wife, finished… -
Friday Jan 08, 2010
To whom ever renewed my subscription, THANK YOU! Your awesome. -
Wednesday May 27, 2009
working, working, working........................................... -
Saturday May 24, 2008
The Great Strides walk was a blast. I had a very good time and the wi… -
Sunday Mar 16, 2008
No news is good news. With the change of season work has been slow an… -
Saturday Jan 26, 2008
not much to say really. i was trying to put a link here, but apparent… -
Monday Dec 24, 2007
Made it home from that school in Nashville. Man was it intense. More … -
Wednesday Nov 21, 2007
So I get to go to a school in Nashville, Tennessee. It is four weeks … -
Sunday Oct 14, 2007
So, seems like I have been a stranger for a while. How is everyone?
hope everything gets better!