So do you really need a personality to be a mechanic? Really, I don't get it. The other day I went to this website that is like a staffing agency, so to speak, for prior military. I feeled out all the requested information and left it at that. Well the next day I had an e-mail with a mechanic job offer, so I sent a reply saying I was interested, of course I was interested....I have been looking for a damn job since April. Anyways, not even a minute after I sent the reply, I get a phone call from the gentleman who sent the e-mail about the opening mechanic position. He told me about the company, which sounded like a very good company to work for, and told me I would have to take two assessment tests before they would call me to set up an interview, yea O.K. (I have been looking for jobs since April, so I am used to having to take assesment tests) Well ends up that one of them, the most important one (from what the guy said) was a personality test......
Shit like......
I feel I do better work than most people I have worked with.
A) I strongly disagree.
B) I slightly disagree.
C) I am not sure.
D) I slightly agree.
E) I strongly agree.
And a whole slew (75 to be exact) of questions like that.
Well apparently I don't have a very good personality, or even a personality at all, because I failed the assesment and therefore, failed to get an interview.
But on a good note, I apparently did remarkably well on the technical assesment (which you would think would be more important) and scored a 60 global average, and according to the agency that is remarkably high. My best scores were in HVAC and in Air Brakes........
What personality has to do with turning a wrench, I really don't know.
No job, no money; no money, Life's a bitch.........
So Be It............
Shit like......
I feel I do better work than most people I have worked with.
A) I strongly disagree.
B) I slightly disagree.
C) I am not sure.
D) I slightly agree.
E) I strongly agree.
And a whole slew (75 to be exact) of questions like that.
Well apparently I don't have a very good personality, or even a personality at all, because I failed the assesment and therefore, failed to get an interview.
But on a good note, I apparently did remarkably well on the technical assesment (which you would think would be more important) and scored a 60 global average, and according to the agency that is remarkably high. My best scores were in HVAC and in Air Brakes........
What personality has to do with turning a wrench, I really don't know.
No job, no money; no money, Life's a bitch.........
So Be It............
well... I need a volvo fixed. Think you can help with that?
Thank you for the birthdaygratz