Made it back from Texas. It was good being "home" and seeing family, I just wish it was for a better occasion than my Granny's funeral. At almost 34, it still amazes me how deep our roots are in Texas. My family have lived in that area since before Texas was even its own republic. I did remember how much I am terrified of flying....
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Things are finally starting to fall in place. Jess, my wife, finished school this fall & is working two jobs; her choice. She is working at a hospital near by and a local day surgery center. I am concerned that she may burn her self out, but she is as happy as I have seen her in a long time & she seems to really...
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To whom ever renewed my subscription, THANK YOU! Your awesome.
working, working, working...........................................
The Great Strides walk was a blast. I had a very good time and the wife and kids even came along and enjoyed themselves. We are wanting to put a team together. Hopefully we will be able to.

Have been a stranger because pa-in-law broke the computer and we had to have it repaired. Its his computer, so I can't complain. Just makes keeping up...
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so - how goes? It's been a good while since you last posted.
No news is good news. With the change of season work has been slow and my company has laid of several people. Not that the pay is great, but I am glad that I am not one of them at this time. I keep waiting to hear that I have been let go anyday now. Other than that, things are going well. The kids are...
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YAY it worked!

I'm really glad to hear you'll be doing the Great Strides walk! smile
not much to say really. i was trying to put a link here, but apparently don't know how. i will post more later.
the url button = linktastic
Made it home from that school in Nashville. Man was it intense. More so than I was expecting, but I made it through it. Now its time to go to work and see how much information I actually remember.

Got home in time for christmas, and to my suprise, my old man and his wife came down. It was a pretty good visit with them....
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Merry Christmas!!
Did you move to Nashville?
So I get to go to a school in Nashville, Tennessee. It is four weeks long. It starts 26 Nov. and lasts until 21 Dec. I am really looking forward to it. This school will teach me A LOT about being a HVAC/R technician. I was very fortunate to get hired on by a HVAC/R company even though I had no prior experience or knowledge,...
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So, seems like I have been a stranger for a while. How is everyone?
better, you?
I used to be addicted to this site, now I barely log on anymore. I just tried to upload a pic and that didn't work. I guess I am not as 'puter savy as I thought I was. So how is everyone? I never have much to talk about and therefore do not leave many blogs. I am just not that used to talking. Sorry...
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i'm still addicted, lol.