Hello, Lovelies! Honestly, I am STRUGGLING with the blog this week! I feel like I'm just a ball of weird geekiness kind of wiggling about! Um...
Well, for starters I have a Final Fantasy tattoo. I'd say that's pretty geeky. The wings I stole from the "The End" screen from Final Fantasy VIII....See!
I've had a weird obsession with FFVIII since I was in the 5th grade. I remember getting a demo of the game on some Pizza Hut promo disc that had demos of a few games on it (Playstation 1...oh man. I wish I still had mine!). I cant remember exactly how or why I started playing it, especially since back then the only games I really ever played were the Pokemon games, but FOR WHATEVER REASON I instantly became obsessed with this game I knew hardly anything about, other than the tiny little demo that I got. I begged my mom to buy the game for me everytime we went to Target together, and finally she caved and bought it for me. I began dedicating every little nugget of my 11 year old existence to playing that game. *NOTE: I learned that 11 year olds really have no strategy for playing RPGS, other than GIVE EVERYONE LOTS OF HP STATS SO IT TAKES THEM LONGER TO DIE!* I bought the game guides. I bought the action figures. I even made my mom do my hair like Selphie's hair everyday for school.
Good decision, or GREAT DECISION?
Neither. But, she was my absolute favorite character. I just wanted to be her. I would try to adopt all of her CuTeSy LiTtLe QuIpS in my day to day speech and mannerisms and what not. I would ride my bike around my neighborhood and pretend to be her, and like I was going on some sort of mission in the game or whatever. (And UGHHH I still do not feel like they did her justice in Kingdom Hearts! Seriously! A JUMP ROPE?? WHAT IS THAT SHIT??) I would even take all my game guides and action figures to school and keep them in my desk and bust them out whenever I had the chance...
Eventually, I was neglecting all of my schoolwork so I could have more time to play the game, and before I knew it, I was failing all my classes because I hadn't done any homework :( Annnnnd I got grounded.
I kept up with my love of the game for years afterward. I went back at on point and had to basically strengthen all my characters up like mad since I didn't care about strategy or anything when I was playing as a child, and finally after like 3 years I finally beat the game x.x
When I was in the 8th grade then, one of my dearest friends and I got super obsessed with Final Fantasy X. We ended up having to do this project for our English class where we had to write a 5 page movie script, and we had the option to film it as a short movie for extra credit. Well...we ended up writing at 50 page script and made it into a half hour movie that was a parody on the FFX story, with some added weirdness (Dance Dance Revolution, a cardboard cutout of Captain Jack Sparrow, a sinister black mage made from tagboard who talked in a squeaky voice, etc...). We completed our awesome/terrible movie with some pretty subpar cosplay! I dressed up as Yuna, and Tessa was Tidus!
My first little intro to cosplay was right there. And NO, OUR MOMS DID NOT HELP US MAKE THE COSTUMES! Haha :)
Still to this day I will go back and playth0se games for a bit, or watch videos of the cut scenes on Youtube. It's just a huge pile of geeky, weepy nostalgia for me. Hence why I got that tattoo when I turned 21 :) It's a nerdy little slice of my life, and I love that!
Hopefully my blog this week wasn't terribly boring! Thanks for reading <3 @bloghomework