FINALLY! As you may have noticed, I've crossed over (FIIIIIINALLYYYY!!) from 'member' status to being a hopeful! Got the good news that the lovely set @erockmpls and I created was accepted and is slated to go live on September 11th! I's such a horribly long wait, peppered with the fact that my short, Minnesotan summer will be over by then :( But I'll be sure to keep all you lovelies placated with occasional teasers from it! Pinky-swear-promise!
Also, you also may have noticed, I've finally linked an Instagram account to my page! I'd love the shit out of you if you took just a couple seconds to follow me on IG :) I promise it'll be so super worth it!
Love you all, and I look forward to tossing along more updates! <3