One problem with working for a Rolex Dealer you have to deal with rich house wives... these are some of the clueless, and bitchy people in the world... they get everything, so easy... so if you dont go out of your way for them you're not doing a good job... Around Christmas we sold a watch to this one lady for her dad but it ended up being too small for me... so I told her she could return it... even gave her until the first week on Jan to do so... so today she comes in wanting to return the watch... I was really nice at first, but then she just pissed me off... its like talking to a little kid... you have to explain things over and over again cause they just dont understand... Then she stated saying my husband is so and buys watches here all the time and we'll be losing their business... boss told me they do but cheap watches we dont make money on anyways... so after talking to her for 30mins my boss pretty much gave me the ok to be rude... it sucks that I had to put up with her shit, but at least I got to pretty much tell her off.. I have to do this at least once a week from the same type... housewife, bleach blond, fake boobs, and lots of botox... 


thanks for going with me last night cutie pie! hope i wasn't cockblocking you too much from the 19 year old hotties. 
