FRENCHY thanks for the ride and keeping the first hour and half fun tonight.... DAGGERS thanks for the cheap drinks and bringing everyone out to the east bay... MORBIDANGEL i've never seen anyone win, so much at the that game that you... you're my hero when it comes to to the that... you should start some tour where you teach people of to master it....MELLI you my girl... you rock... glad you came out... if you want cool prizes from the machines in the bath room have her get them for you.... cause she gets the best ones... DATSUN cool seeing you again... didnt get to hangout with you much.... but it was nice seeng ou out and learnng about your bro and his dance.. also nice meeting your non-sg friend...
Isn't it nice to be one of the cool kids
I just opened the Screamer Not For The Timid box and it's the cock ring
I was too tipsy to care last night...all the while having the best prizes from the sex machine. Total loot - 2 finger ticklers, 1 cock ring and some card thingy. Pretty good but nothing compared to MorbidAngel 

call me if you want to stop through Arrow tonight- I am going to finish getting ready and then run a couple of errands on my way to work, so no more computer for me.