what a wacky night... i only go out for about 2 hours... in this 2 hours i hang out with friends up from la, see my friend julia that i havent seen in a long time... i get groped by a really drunk kid every time he passes me... well until my friend protected me... then right as i was leaving i ran into a friend of a girl i dated about 5 years ago... i've run into this girl a few times.. everytime she never really seems like she wants to chat... but she seemed to like the new hair and even made me exchange numbers... only problem is she remembers my name but i cant really remember hers... so if i decided to call her i wouldnt know who to ask for...

Sounds like you need to wait until she calls you. Hmm??? That's sad and funny all at once.

i hate when that happens. that's the great thing about having a cell phone on ya... you just program in the number and then ask them, ok.. how do you spell your name?
usually works unless their name is like sara or something real simple. but then you can always be like, with or without an H? HA!