andronico's all natural sugar cookies are the best cookies ever... say they're not... i dare ya... see you cant cause you know that they are... i know you're thinking that so an so cookies are better but they're not... just go to your local andronicos with about $7.57(CA price) and try them...
hey cousht, it was super cool to meet you. we should hang out more.
happy new year holmes!!
happy new year holmes!!
Nice meeting you last night... Happy New Year!
what a wacky night... i only go out for about 2 hours... in this 2 hours i hang out with friends up from la, see my friend julia that i havent seen in a long time... i get groped by a really drunk kid every time he passes me... well until my friend protected me... then right as i was leaving i ran into a...
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Sounds like you need to wait until she calls you. Hmm??? That's sad and funny all at once.
i hate when that happens. that's the great thing about having a cell phone on ya... you just program in the number and then ask them, ok.. how do you spell your name? usually works unless their name is like sara or something real simple. but then you can always be like, with or without an H? HA!
OMG- SO so cute. I want to jump through the screen and snuggle him. awww.
do you think its wrong not to go to work but still get credit for going to work? i didnt go today but i'll still get paid cause no one i work for knows i didnt go...
im sooooooooooooo bored...
me too... the actual day itself stanks. nothing is open and all my friends are busy with their fams. WTF is a guy to do? on top of it all i have to go back to work tomorrow. BAH!
well here's looking forward to new years and starting it all over again.
well here's looking forward to new years and starting it all over again.
Ok,fell in love with a boy. Feeling not so bored.
wow my head really hurts... but it was worth it... had a lot of fun last night... met a lot of cool new faces and some equally as cool older ones... i went ice skating for the first time and didnt fall once...
I will add to the comments and say it was worth it for me, and glad to have met ya. We will have to hang out more in the near future. no falls=good
Take Care
Take Care
Hey glad to hear you had fun the other night! It was nice to meet you, hopefully I'll see you at another event sometime.
YAY!!! i get to take care of my friends cat... i miss having an animal... i'd rather have a pug or be watching one but i'll settle for a cat for a few weeks...
Yah! Kitties are so cuddley.
so cold right now... i went to the haight to meet up with a friend... i didnt think i would be there that long so i took the bus. ended up staying until 12... i waiting 15 mins for my bus. then the when it came the guy didnt stop... so instead of waiting 30 mins for the next one i just walked it. i...
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you poor kid!!
Ah yes Life's adventures how fun. It's cod here too.
Hugs &
Hugs &
work is soooooooooooooooooo boring right now
had a great time last night.. ran into dave h, chloe, trixie, this one girl i know but cant member her name, and most of all my friend pouria cause it was his birthday... last night was the best... my friend ben got me free drinks all night, tons of people i knew were there, and a really cute girl slapped me on my ass...
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Haha...the fuzzy dog is not really mine. She is cute and all, but she is annoying as hell.
Slaps on ass are great. Way to go cutie.