Feature Request (probably not new): A way to catalog favourites for easy access. Similar to what @groverbot was saying, but maybe going one step more and having an "Add to Favourites" button - for photos, as well as models (to distinguish from just following). Also, it'd be nice to see a history of stuff I've "liked". Thanks!
Annnd... I'm likely starting a piss war here, so delete if necessary, but @realitysheriff : there is no "premium" subscription here - either you're a member or you're not. If you're a member, you've paid a very reasonable price to access the hundreds of beautiful SGs and Hopefuls in all their splendor, and to interact with them as real people, and to chill with like-minded people to share commonalities and experiences. And the bonus is you have front-line staff like @courtneyriot trying to make a whole lot of people happy and, unfortunately, taking their shit when they're not. If you want your Zuckerbergs to come run this "professionally", I guarantee this place will be instantly overtaken by porn stars, victims and perv jerkers. So really, take it for what it is, or don't. Just don't ream out the staff in front of members - you're not winning anything here.