Why this way ... why does it have to happen like this ... what causes us as humans to beat ourselves up about what we cant control? Why does it seem that when thing go bad it just follows you and everyone you come in contact with. As you know my girlfriend and i broke up ... but what you dont know is that my roommates girlfriend broke up with him the very same day about an hour later. My ex from a ways back cortknee, the one girl i can truely and honestly say that i love with all my heart still to this day, just broke up with her boyfriend of two years. We all have bills and habits and are all miserable. why does it have to happen this way how do things have to get so fuct'd up for us three all at the same time. This isnt some coinsedental occurance this has happened many times before. It happens the same each time, first is me then zack and then cortknee. it seems like i fall and then they follow i just dont understand why it always has to be us three. why does this shit always follow us. what fiendish force has a hold over the three strands of our lives to play with and manipulate at his own decretion.

love ya