humm, well, where to begin. My girlfriend dumped me the day before valentines day which really bites, (BTW, is it weird if i miss her 10 month old daughter more than her) but things weren't really going well. We were fighting way to much about the stupidest shit and hadnt had sex in over 2 months. But on to other things, cause i am sure noone really wants to hear me bitch about my love life. I work way to much, I got that promotion to shift manager but it has its ups and downs. I get paid more, people have to do what i say, and i work with people that I like, but I am on call now basically 24/7, if someone calls out and i am already there i have to stay, if anything goes wrong while i am running shift i get blamed, I have to go to these gay 8 hour classes and then to work my shift right after, and because of all this my social life is now non-exsistant. Wow i really didnt realize there were that many con vs. the pros' until i wrote it down. oh well this is life and i guess you gotta keep on plugging even if it turns you into a dried up terd on a bad stretch of road in a heat wave. Ok again enough bitching, i would like to say whats up to all my new friends that i have made on here. and now i am going to bed cause i just walked in from working third shift and i am tired. night or morning whatever it is. later days all. Peace.
just sayin hi
you requested my friendship a while back .. and I had to say hello, since I cant be friends with somone if I dont ever talk to them 

oh man, you sound just like me! Theres a hella lottA cons in my life right now, and not as many pro's as Id prefer. But .. ya know, these things vary so greatly, that Im sure it'll pull the 'ol "switcheroo" pretty soon, at least it will when I get my tax return.