I have been having the worst week imaginable. I have to be at work at 4:30 every morning to open the gas station I work at. My manager has decided that I deserve more responsibility, because I have been working so hard. Meaning he doesnt feel like doing it anymore so he is pawning it off on me. Plus now I am sick as a dog, I havent slept more than 2 hours a night this week. I cant stop shaking, every bone and joint just shoots pain thoughout my body. Luckly, I havent run out of my "Special Healing Herbs"
, which has been one of the few and far between good things this week. The only other thing I can think of, was going up to the diner tonight to see one of my old friends from high school. I had a really great time, me and her ordered and had eaten our food within the first half hour of being there, and then we just sat there and reminised, caught up on what was happening, you know the usual. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere this philosophical decussion about music and where or not certain bands realize or not if they use certain classical stlyes of writing in their song stucture and arrangement. We literally sat there and decussed this and like two other topics for like 5 hours. I havent had that much enjoyment just conversing with another person in a very long time, to long of a time. so other than that and the other thing, my week has sucked ass.
On another note. I need some advice. And thought you guys might be able to help. I am trying to see this girl, and I really like her, we have chilled a couple of times nothin but good times, fun was had, but heres my problem: Lately when we make plans to hang out, it seems like she gets off work goes home and goes out with her friends for alittle and forgets to call me. I realize this maybe a lost cause but I gotta try something atleast otherwise I'll always wonder and I hate doing that its so dumb. Any suggestions are appreciated.

On another note. I need some advice. And thought you guys might be able to help. I am trying to see this girl, and I really like her, we have chilled a couple of times nothin but good times, fun was had, but heres my problem: Lately when we make plans to hang out, it seems like she gets off work goes home and goes out with her friends for alittle and forgets to call me. I realize this maybe a lost cause but I gotta try something atleast otherwise I'll always wonder and I hate doing that its so dumb. Any suggestions are appreciated.

If you have to try to make something work before you even have something then it's probably not worth it. Sorry not very positive, but don't give your hopes up. I am the worst at advice. Sorry. 

hey I'm not from philly!!!! But whatever...you are from Harleysville? HAA I went to field hockey camp there....yeah I was a dork..I used to live in Lansdale though..thats closer to philly then i am now....