its been awhile since i have posted ... but things have been so hectic with trying to get everything ready for my lil ones arrivial. 13 days til me and my girl find out whether we are having a boy or girl. I am not really sure which i would prefer to have but all i do know is that i cant wait for him/her to get here. My girlfriend really wants a lil girl but thinks the baby is a boy. so it should be fun when we go. we were trying to go on valentines day but they were all booked up with people trying to do the exact same thing we were trying to do. other than that things are going good i forget if i meantioned it but i got a promotion at work again finally so now i am officially full-time and apart of the management team. its great i do nothing all day and get paid like 3 bucks more than i was get paid. the hardest thing i have to worry about doing at work right now is staying there for 35 hours a week to make my quota for time on the clock. Its great I love my job i love my girl ... i have a baby on the way which i am really excited for, but i just cant shake the feeling that something is on its way to knock me down a few pegs. but until that day comes i am going to keep looking up and thanking whoever is up there for the wonders and great things that i have. later days all.

So happy to hear that things are going so well!

Yeh, I don't smoke weed, I infact hate it, and everyone was saying to me "why go to Amsterdam". Damn I want to watch some strippers and have a good time. hehe.